History Cycle 3 Week 3 Activity Page Version 2

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History Cycle 3, Week 3: Boston Tea Party

o Fill in the blanks with the name of the harbor/city and date.
o Color the sky a dark blue (nighttime), color the water a blue/green, color the feathers red and blue, color the boxes brown,
use a black color to use as face paint on the Mohawks.
o In a bowl or plastic container, cut open some remaining tea bags (preferably different types) and touch, smell and look at the
differences of the teas. (Younger children can use this for sensory play.)
o In the above picture, Add some lines of glue from the boxes/crates and in the water. Add some loose tea to the glue, shake
excess off and let dry.
o Say Week 3 History sentence to your parent and have them initial when all of the above is complete. _________________

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Harbor, 177____

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