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By Mary Kate Simpson


Common Core Anchor Standard for Language:
6. Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases sufficient for
reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level

2 Small Dry Erase Boards and 1 Marker for each group of 4
(iPads or good, old fashioned paper can work also)

Directions for Students:
1. Choose a word from the list.
2. On one dry erase board, write a showing sentence (with context
clues that indicate the meaning of the word), leaving a blank space
or a line where the vocabulary word should be.
3. Write the word on the other dry erase board.
4. Show the board with the sentence to the teacher and keep the
board with the word hidden.
5. After the teacher makes her guess, reveal the word.
6. Revise if necessary. If not, move on to another word.

Directions for Teachers:
When students show you their sentences, make sure that they have
provided enough context clues that show you that they understand the
meanings of the words.
(For example, if you could plug any word with the same part of
speech into the sentence, then they need to go back and add

Sample of a Showing Sentence:
The car was _____ down the road and I was worried that we would
get into an accident. (Careening)

Sample of a Sentence in need of Revision:
The car was _____ down the road.
(Many verbs could go here.)

This game can be used as a formative assessment to notice trends and
weaknesses in your students understanding of the words

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