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Rare Name Rare Value Increasing/Decreasing Rare Type

Dj 500k Increasing SUPER RARE

Typo 600k Neutral SUPER RARE
Wite !ir" !at #00k Increasing
$lue !ir" !at %00k Increasing
Re" !ir" !at %00k Increasing
&a"e !ir" !at %00k Increasing
Trone #00k Neutral
Dino '5k Neutral
Nelly gol" (00k Increasing SUPER RARE
Nelly sil)er *+ Increasing U,TRA RARE
Nelly !ron-e (+ Neutral U,TRA RARE
Rose "ino *00k Neutral SUPER RARE
$lack "ino *%5k Increasing SUPER RARE
Purple "ragon trone %'5k Increasing
Pink "ragon trone 5+ Neutral U,TRA .UST/0
Petals %k Neutral SVIP RARE
Aloe )era #+ Neutral U,TRA RARE
1ol" laser %00k Neutral
Re" laser %50k Neutral
1ol" a+!er #50k Decreasing
Re" a+!er #50k Neutral
$lue a+!er %00k Neutral
2olo girl '5k Decreasing
2olo !oy %+ Increasing U,TRA RARE
2olo "uck #%5k Neutral
$lack !ir" !at 5+ Increasing U,TRA .UST/0
0ario olo (+ Neutral R/TW PRI3E
1ol" cup tropy #45+ Increasing R/TW PRI3E
Sil)er cup tropy #+ Increasing R/TW PRI3E
$ron-e cup tropy '50k Increasing R/TW PRI3E
2a!!o cola '5k Neutral
Speakers corner '50k Increasing SUPER RARE
$lack petal '50k Increasing E5STIN.T
6rost "ragon '+ Increasing DRA1/NS
1ol" "ragon *45+ Increasing DRA1/NS
&a"e "ragon #45+ Increasing DRA1/NS
6ire "ragon #+ Neutral DRA1/NS
Sil)er "ragon #+ Increasing DRA1/NS
6orest "ragon 500k Neutral DRA1/NS
$lue "ragon 500k Neutral DRA1/NS
Sky "ragon 500k Neutral DRA1/NS
$ron-e "ragon 750k Decreasing DRA1/NS
$lack "ragon 500k Neutral DRA1/NS
$ro8n ic+ 50k Neutral I.0s
Re" ic+ %+ Increasing I.0s
/range ic+ '5k Neutral I.0s
1ol" ic+ '50k Neutral I.0s
1reen ic+ 50k Neutral I.0s
A9ua ic+ #0+ People pay %0+ 444 I.0s
$lue ic+ #50k Neutral I.0s
Purple ic+ %50k Neutral I.0s
6uscia ic+ %00k Neutral I.0s
Pink ic+ '00k Increasing I.0s
$ro8n :an 50k Neutral 6ANS
Re" :an '5k Neutral 6ANS
/range :an #00k Neutral 6ANS
;ello8 :an *00k Increasing 6ANS
1reen :an #00k Neutral 6ANS
A9ua :an Unscene<unrelease" N<A 6ANS
$lue :an Unscene<unrelease" N<A 6ANS
Purple :an #00k Neutral 6ANS
6uscia :an #00k Neutral 6ANS
Pink :an =superlo)e> Unscene<unrelease" N<A 6ANS
$lack pillo8 PRI.E,ESS UNRE,EASED PI,,/WS
Na)y pillo8 50k Neutral PI,,/WS
Re" pillo8 #00k Increasing PI,,/WS
1ol" pillo8 #%5k Increasing PI,,/WS
1reen pillo8 #%5k Increasing PI,,/WS
Tur9uoise pillo8 #50k Increasing PI,,/WS
$lue pillo8 PRI.E,ESS UNRE,EASED PI,,/WS
Pink pillo8 #50k Increasing PI,,/WS
Purple pillo8 #00k Neutral PI,,/WS
Sil)er pillo8 #50k Increasing PI,,/WS
$lack s+oke (0k Neutral S0/?ES
Re" s+oke Unscene<unrelease" N<A S0/?ES
1ol" s+oke #5k Neutral SVIP RARE
A9ua s+oke '5k Neutral S0/?ES
&a"e s+oke '5k Neutral S0/?ES
$lue s+oke #5k Neutral SVIP RARE
@iolet s+oke #00k Neutral S0/?ES
Purple s+oke #00k Neutral S0/?ES
Pink s+oke #00k Neutral S0/?ES
Sil)er s+oke #00k Neutral S0/?ES
Tese rare )alues are up to "ate =%74054#(> i: you "isagree 8it te )alues please P0 Arca"ian an" ill
"iscuss it 8it youA i: a rare says increasing I really reco++en" you in)esting in te+A i: teyBre
"ecreasing ten o!)iously a)oi" tose rares4 &ust to +ake it clearA I a+ N/T sta::A I tra"e rares a lot so I
kno8 te )aluesA anyting tats not on tis listA p+ +e an" ill a"" it4
C Arca"ian =1eorge>

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