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Papaya is a tropical fruit with many medicinal properties and a great taste, used to make desserts,
juices, yogurt, fruit salad, ice cream, etc..
Also known as: melon sapote, mamao, naimi, capadso, papaya, papaya, papaya, nampucha, Heck
and packets.
Oval shaped (like a large pear), yellow skin, black seeds and a pulp or red meat. Your tree is called
It is in season all year round, but in summer and early fall their sugars are at their highest point.
Properties of Papaya
-Digestive, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, to combat amgidalitis, pharyngitis, arthritis or gout,
and external use on wounds, bruises and bites. Helps digestion and relieves pain and inflammation
due to eczima containing papain. Combat constipation.
-Prevents cancers, including breast, bladder, colon or cervix, to the prevention of premature aging
visual degeneration prevention, heart protection, or the need for more vitamin C intake in
smoking or alcohol .
- Eliminates intestinal parasites. It also helps eliminate the amoebae that are responsible for many
chronic diarrhea as their fresh seeds are rich in a nutrient called Carpasemina.
- The papaya facilitates tan because the large amount of Retinina (facilitates the action of melanin)
-Low in calories and rich in nutrients.
Vitamins A, C, E and some B complex With papaya average about 200 g, covered almost twice daily
requirement of vitamin C and a quarter of provitamin A form of beta carotene. Also covered 38%
of the recommended intake of folic acid, and nearly 20% of vitamin E.

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