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Jenny Doan

Period 1
April 26, 2012

Julius Caesar
If you judge people, you have no time to love them. - Mother Teresa

. During act III, when Caesar died, and the senator left, Mark said as Caesars deaths hour, nor
no instrument of half that worth as those your swords, made rich with the noble blood of all this
world. Mark Antony truly shows how much he cared for Caesar.
Mark Antony was a true friend of Caesar. After the death of Caesar, Antony asked Brutus
and Cassius if he can make a speech and announce it in front of the citizen. During his speech, he
asked them what did Caesar do for them to get their hatred. Antony found a way to blame the
honorable men without being straightforward with it because he promised them that he wouldnt
blame them. Antony talked about how much things Caesar did for them, and this is how they
repay him. Citizens finally realize that it was the senator that should be dead.
Antony gave a better speech because it has a reason and a cause, unlike Brutus. All
Brutus said was how Caesar would of have made them slaves. He repeating says that Caesar
being dead is the best thing for everyone. However, Brutus excuse of killing Caesar was to make
them free from Caesar and that Caesar was ambitious. On the other hand, Antony, explain why
those honorable men were wrong for killing Caesar.
Antony got the crowd to go against the honorable ment. Mark Antony said Yes Brutus
says was ambitious And sure he is an honorable man I speak what I do know ( Page 828 ll. 98-
100). He went on saying how they all once love him without cause and asked what cause
withhold to the point where the mourn Caesar. One of the Plebeian realize that since Caesar was
offered the crown, and denied it three times, it shows that Caesar was not an ambitious man.
Our Caesars resture wounded? Look you here, He is himself, marred as you see with
traitors? (Page 828 ll.196-197). Mark Antony speech didnt blame anyone indirect, but getting
the crowds to bash on the senator is a good speech. For a speech to make the citizens go after the
senators, without directing that the senators killed Caesar, is amazing. It shows that antony
speech put a point to his speech. Therefore, Mark Antony speech was better than Brutus speech.

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