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YWCA Press Release

Media Contact
(Insert media contact name)
Phone number (insert media contact #)
Email address (insert media contact email)
For Immediate Release
Date (insert the date the release is sent)

(Insert Event/Announcement Headline. [Note: font is Helvetica Bold 12 pt.])
(Insert lede here. See 1 for description of what is included in a lede. [Note: font is
Garamond 12 pt.])
(Insert second paragraph. See 2 for description of what the second paragraph should entail.)
(Insert third paragraph. See 3 for description of what the third paragraph should entail.)
(Insert fourth paragraph. See 4 for description of what the fourth paragraph should entail.)
(Insert fifth paragraph. See 5 for description of what the fifth paragraph should entail.)
(Insert sixth paragraph. See 6 for description of what the sixth paragraph should entail.)
The YWCA in Bellingham, Wash. advocates for every woman. Through programs and
partnering with community organizations the YWCA since 1907 has been helping empower
women improve quality of life for all women and girls regardless of all ages, backgrounds,
sexuality or religion. For more information visit

(NOTE: do not include this information in the released press release)
How to properly use this press release template:
We recommend the use of Helvetica Bold and Garamond because they are
complementary fonts. The fonts are more likely please the readers eyes further
drawing the reader in to continue to examine the document. Helvetic Bold is used
for titles and Garamond is used for the body of the document.
We recommend the document is to be no longer than 1 page single-spaced. When
the media personnel wants more information release them backgrounder and other
media kit documents. A press release is to be used as bait on the fishing hook. This
is why the YWCA should only include quintessential information into the document.
If you are electronically submitting this document hyperlink all information like
contact information and reference websites. We recommend hyperlinking because it
makes sure there is no missed commination for media coverage. If they are
hyperlinked properly they will change color and when you click on the hyperlink the
webpage or email will be pulled up. For example, when hyperlinked a source should
look like this:
For brevity, a paragraph in this document should not be longer than 5 sentences.
We recommend making the paragraphs roughly between 3-5 sentence.
All journalists for any major media coverage use AP Style. Therefore in order to
appeal to a journalist we recommend the use of AP Style citation. For more
information visit:
Paragraph Description:
1. Essentially a lede will have the most exciting or news worthy information first. Try
to include the who, what, where, when and why of this event/announcement. When
writing the lede make sure you consider the lens of the audience. Why should the
community, who will be consuming the media coverage, actually be interested in
this event/ announcement?)
2. The second paragraph will include supporting details and a longer more descriptive
information about the event/announcement as described in the first paragraph.
3. Include more details and statistics of the YWCA that someone may need to write
this story. Include in the third
4. Include a quote from YWCA national spokesperson or local association that
explains the lede. Include a quote from a third party (citizen, involved members, or
somebody elses opinion on the event/announcement). For the third party include
contact information. We recommend that the YWCA include at least two creditable
sources in the story. A large amount of the time journalists need a minimum amount
of sources without them they cannot print the story. By including the sources and a
few quotes, the YWCA is showing journalists that the YWCA is worth covering and
knows this story is newsworthy.
5. In paragraph five include any details or history of the event/announcement.
6. Sixth and final paragraph should include how to request more information from the
media contact.
7. The boilerplate included in the document that is more specific and useful for the
Bellingham YWCA. While the national organization boilerplate was well done, it
was insufficient for the Bellinghams organization. We recommend for consistency
between documents using this boilerplate on all documents.

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