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PPP 015

Contesta las siguientes preguntas con la informacin de un amigo.
PPP 015
What is your friends name?
Wh h / h f ? Wheres he/she from?
How old is he / she?
W ? What do you do together?
In what ways are you alike?
In what ways are you different?
What did you do the last time
t th ? you were together?
Una vez que tengas tus respuestas, vas a
formar un prrafo con las mismas
Ya que tengas tu prrafo listo, lo vas a comparar con el modelo
PPP 015
My friend Marcos is from Orizaba Hes 19 My friend Marcos is from Orizaba. He s 19
years old. We usually do homework
together Hes very talkative I am very together. He s very talkative. I am very
talkative too. Last Saturday we visited
friends together and then we went to a friends together and then we went to a
Si consideras necesario lleva tu prrafo con
un asesor para que te lo revise.
Esta actividad es muy parecida a la anterior. Vas a escribir un
prrafo en el que vas a usar las respuestas de las preguntas
PPP 015
siguientes. Aqu lo importante es que tomes en cuenta el tiempo
gramatical, esto es, el pasado.
Answer the following questions about a friend you had in high school.
What was your friends name?
Where did he/she live?
What did you do together?
In what ways you were alike?
I h t diff t? In what ways you were different?
Why was he/she a close friend?
Ahora compara tu prrafo con el siguiente modelo.
PPP 015
My best friend was Anna. She lived in Fortn. y
We watched TV and ate popcorn together.
We also liked swimming on weekends, She was
very intelligent but sometimes lazy , I was not as
intelligent as her but I was hardworking anyway
we were very good friends.
Pon atencin a los verbos en pasado, la mayora de los p , y
estudiantes usan la forma del verbo presente. Otros de los
errores frecuentes de los estudiantes es que normalmente
no usan los pronombres.
PPP 015
Material elaborado por:
P f L Vi i H b Profesora: Laura Victoria Huber.
Asesora del CAA-Crdoba
Edicin en Power Point: L I Araceli R Rojas Flores
Edicin en Power Point: L.I. Araceli R. Rojas Flores

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