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Section A: Directed Writing

[35 marks]
[Time suggested: 45 minutes]

You are the Head Prefect of your school. You received many complaints from the
students concerning the school canteen. You have decided to write a report to the
principal to complain about the conditions of the canteen. Write your reportbased on
the information below.

Complaints on the canteen
Not nutritious
Not tasty
Limited choices
Too expensive

Food exposed to flies
Dirty cutlery
Clogged and smelly drains

Poor personal hygiene
Not enough workers

When writing the report, you should remember:
- to give a suitable title
- to use all the information given
- to add two other complaints of your own
- to provide an ending
- to indicate your name and position

Section A: Directed Writing
[35 marks]
You are the president of the English Language Society in your school. You noticed that
most of your friends are stressed about the SPM examinations. Write a speech on how
to cope with the problem to be delivered during an assembly.

Early preparations
Eat nutritious food
Do regular physical activities
Attend motivational talks or seminars

Last minute preparations
Think positive
Take a short break
Have an early night

When writing your speech you should remember to:
address the audience
use all the content points given
give examples / further details for each content point
add any relevant information of your own
write in paragraphs
end the speech appropriately

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