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Part A (05 x 02 = 10 marks)

1) Define fuzzy logic by naming its applications
2) Define de-fuzzification. Explain any one of its procedure
3) What is self- organizing fuzzy logic controller (FLC)
4) What is cross over
5) What is mutation
Part B (1 x 8 = 8 marks)

6) Write a detailed note on FLC for a nonlinear time delay system

Part - C (02 x 16 = 32 marks)
7) a) With suitable examples explain fuzzy inference system
b) What is fuzzy reasoning? Explain with proper examples.
a) Explain fuzzification, inferencing and defuzzification by giving a practical control
8) a) Write the basic concept of genetic algorithm (GA). Write the important steps of it by
b) Explain GA for solving any one of the control problems.
a) Explain Tabu search through a example
b) Explain ant-colony search with a good example

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