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Min Gyu
Brief introduction for my slide.
Is my energy renewable or unrenewable and
How do we get energy for Nuclear
How does it affect the environment
Where in the world nuclear is used
How much is my energy
Future of nuclear
Is nuclear good or bad and why?
nuclear energy, is the use of exothermic
nuclear processes, to generate useful heat
and electricity

Nuclear energy is considered a low carbon
power generation source, according to energy
information Administration ( uranium) which
is nuclear is nonrenewable energy.
Nuclear energy is a form of energy that can be
harnessed from an atomic nucleus, and can be
released by radioactive decay, fusion, or fission.
This source of energy makes use of the power of
nuclear reactions to release energy for the use of
electricity, heating, and also propulsion.
Nuclear energy is released when materials like
uranium, is concentrated so that nuclear fission
occurs in a chain reaction. The chain reaction
releases energy that can be used to heat up
water, and the steam from the heated water can
then be used to turn a turbine, and can be then
converted into electrical energy.
Nuclear energy can be found in the nucleus
(core) of an atom. There is much energy in
the bonds that hold atoms together. The
energy is released from the atoms in either
nuclear fusion (atoms put together) or
nuclear fission (split apart).
Nuclear energy is very positive energy because it
doesnt produce lots of carbon dioxide.

-Nuclear power affects the environment in a way
that the nuclear power heats up the environment
including the water bodies causing the
environment to heat up. Nuclear leads to low
level radiation leading to the damage of DNA and
this normally affects plants animals.

Nuclear used to refer to a possible nuclear
power industry revival, driven by rising fossil
fuel prices and new concerns about meeting
greenhouse gas emission limits. However, the
World Nuclear Association has reported that
nuclear electricity generation in 2012 was at
its lowest level since 1999.
the nuclear power industry in western
nations has a history of construction delays,
cost overruns, plant cancellations, and
nuclear safety issues despite significant
government subsidies and support. In
December 2013, Forbes Magazine reported
that, in developed countries, reactors are not
a viable source of new power.
in 2007, 59 nuclear power plants scattered
throughout the country, which is smaller than
Texas, generated 78 percent of France's
electricity .Among other reasons, the French
have turned to nuclear power because it
provides both jobs and power to a country
that has little to no natural energy resources.
It can be safe or unsafe
I think nuclear energy can harm people and
make some accidents but I think there is
some good ways in nuclear energy too.
Quinlan, Heather. "Is Nuclear Power Safe?" HowStuffWorks., 06 Oct. 2010. Web. 19 May 2014.
"Nuclear Energy." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 19 May
2014. Web. 19 May 2014.
"Faculty Research Areas - Study of Atomic Nuclei." NSCL
Home. Me, 19 May 2014. Web. 19 May 2014.
"Nuclear - T?m Vi Google." Nuclear. Me, 19 May 2014. Web.
19 May 2014.

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