Letter To Artemis by Teresa Cader

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You would find Los Angeles distasteful, dear A.

so please don't consider it. The valley
has its attractions ---wild oleander to bougainvilla,
white-tailed stag who drink from the streams,
and rattlers--but even there the skies are precarious.
rey and arrow in the same animal!
The huntress who showers golden arrow on herself!
They don't like parado". They'll whisk you off to a shrink,
or a sun lamp parlor. You won't be invited to dine.
And why go if you won't be radiant, adored!
#emember $uripides! %&nce ' felt this thrill of pain
in my womb. ' cried out the Artemis in heaven,
who loves the hunt and whose care relieves those
giving birth.% That moment of surrender,
when the mind won't do, when the body takes over,
is a bit like the (-word, and no one in L.A.
talks about the (-word. )hen the *reat Above
meets the *reat +elow they run for cover.
)hen ' gave birth in L.A. ' cried out for you
and the crisp starched nurse with the smile button
said, %)e could do with a little less noise.%
$ven that chaser of male heroes, ,omer,
knows that the earth itself shudders.
-he who gives, takes away, and painting a bear
on the cave wall always leads to the .uestion/
's it good enough to make up for killing
the bear! (ear Artemis, you will be miserable
in a place where the *reat +elow can mean
anything above the age 01. 2ome to +oston,
where drab is a political virtue, and the hunt
is on for furless beast in constructed caves,
where women love books and se", and men worship
icons abolishing religion. +esides, if ' give birth,
or die anytime soon, ''ll need your counsel/
' can't fathom that ancient wisdom
about controlling one's mind by letting go of it.
-kip L.A. They're not your kind of angels.
&urs are metaphorically correct, although
anatomically not as beautiful as theirs.
lease arrive by tomorrow. Your devoted, T.

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