Analog Ias Institute: Manorama Year Book-2012

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2nd Floor, 1-2-288/32, Indira Park 'X' Road, !o"al#$da, %&d'ra(ad ) *+++2,
P-. No/ +0+-10*,+00+, ,,12001132 333.analo#'d$
PART Topic Focus on
Page nos.
From To
1 Curren A!!airs
Indian Scientists in South Pole 36 36
Whats 2G Spectrum ? 40 42
Supreme Court allows Passie
!uthanasia " Indias Population
44 4#
$ie %ichest temples in India " Supreme
court &ans !ndosul'an
#0 #1
(io)*iesel 6+ ,0
4 "cience
(- crops 204 204
-sunami 226 22,
6 En#ironmen
Glo&al Warmin. " !nironmental
pollution " !nironment Glossar/
23+ 244
, $ea%& an' Me'icine 0nowin. 1uman *iseases 2#6 261
+ (n!ormaion Tec&no%og)
Computer 2irus " Smart !nironments 266 2,2
Social 3etwor4s 2+1 2+1
5 *or%' Panorama
-he (i..est and Smallest States 6 ta&les7 252 252
Countries listed &/ Continent 25+ 25+
-he 8nited 3ations " International
432 444
11 (n'ia
Population #13 #1+
States o' India 6 ta&les 7 #2, #30
13 +enera% Kno,%e'ge
$u4ushima 3uclear :ccident 515 521
-he (harat %atna 523 523
-he Seen Wonders o' the World 530 531
Goernment o' India ; -a&le o'
544 544
Indian </tholo.ical Characters 5,2 5,2
14 "pors People in Sports 1004 1012

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