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It gives me immense pleasure to bring you all, the report of DRISHTI13.

Students of the College of Engineering, Trivandrum successfully organized DRISHTI 2013The

annual national level technical cum management fest of the college on September 6
and 8
The three days of technical extravaganza witnessed an overwhelming participation from all parts
of South India, with over 10,000 students from more than 70 colleges across the city and
country. With a belief that students drive ideas, ideas drive innovations, innovation drives
technology and technology drives life in the 21st century, this year DRISHTI13 was themed on
Smart Technology.
Right from the very first time that DRISHTI13 went public, with the launch of its website,
laurels and accolades have been pouring in. The DRISHTI13 website has received appreciation
from colleges and firms far and wide. The Facebook page of DRISHTI13 received 10k likes
,the first tech fest in Kerala to have reached that benchmark. It is a distinct honour to announce
that DRISHTI13 has been the fest ever tech fest in India to have implemented QR codes for the
registration procedure. All registration and result entries were online this time,unconventional to
the normal pen-paper registration process used in other tech fests.
The event was inaugurated by renowned visionary Mr.Raju Narayana Swamy IAS on
September 6
at 10.00 a.m at the Diamond Jubilee Hall. The inaugural address of the Honble
Chief Guest, stressed mainly on the importance of participation of students in technical fest. By
organizing such events, not only does it nurture the innovative ideas of students but breaks the
monotony of routine classes also. He inspired the students to excel in whichever field they
choose, by keeping in mind the benefit of humanity always.
DRISHTI13 saw an exorbitant footfall of ****** ,witnessing a total participation of
***,without home participation. The fest was thronged with not just participants, but also
spectators who were entertained to the core by the robotic ninjas, cracking of codes ,fusion of
circuits, the manually controlled autonomous bots, and much more.
With a large number of events spanning a varied set of domains like robotics,
electronics,electrical,civil,computer science,mechanical,architecture and management, , and a
total prize money of 1 million,the 60+ events that were organized had challenging tasks that
invoked the students to think originally and implement their ideas practically
I would like to throw light upon some events that hogged the limelight this fest.The first one
being CREOVATE, one of the flagship events of DRISHTI13, the aim of which was (blah

The Open Quiz organized by the famous Quiz Master, ________ attracted huge crowds.
Other highlight of DRISHTI13 was the project expo by the various departments which consisted
of exhibits and projects made by the students of the college which turned out to be a stupendous

In addition to competitive events, workshops, lectures and demonstrations were held to give a
hand-on experience with the latest in technology. (small brief-1 line per workshop
here..)Hacking workshop by eminent hacking specialist -------- was a big crowd puller in the
festival. The MSP 430 Workshop was organized, which included (blah blah) .We also had
various informative talks by eminent personalities like SreeVidhya Santosh,(desig),Sankalp
Saxena(design), --------------- who shared their expertise on various technical ,innovation and
motivational fields.

Prior to all events that were conducted over the last three days,we also had the DRISHTI WEEK
in college,which mainy had events for our college students.
Irrespective of being a technical fest, a festive environment prevailed in the campus The fervor
and passion of students about the fest were remarkable. They showed their keen interest and took
part in various events and enjoyed them thoroughly. It was a great moment for the entire CET
family when such an event was once again successfully organized this year with the hard work of
student coordinators ,along with the constant support and encouragement of the College
authorities and staff.

What started out last year as a humble attempt by our seniors at organizing the colleges own
technical fest,has this time significantly grown bigger and better to become the fiesta of the
DRISHTI13 truly celebrated the spirit of creativity, innovation and technical expertise in its full
vigor.On this happy note,I hereby conclude the DRISHTI13 report.

Thankyou All.

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