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0350-6428, 45 (2013) 149, . 261274

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, (Barthes 1970: 9).
cole pratique des hautes tudes


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(2003; 2004),

(Genette 1983: 12).


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 , , Hale (1998:

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(Prince 2003). ,

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(Prince 2003: 12).
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, , ). (Prince 2003: 1011)



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Hale (1998:


(social formalism)

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(Hale 1998: 4).

, , Warhol (1992) Felman (1977).



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par excellence. , , (
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, (Genette 1972: 182).
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. (Genette 1972: 165)

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(Genette 1972: 181).




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(Prince 2003:
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; (Chatman 1980:122) ,

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Transparent Minds (1978) The Distinction of Fiction (1999),
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The Distinction of Fiction.

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Adrijana Mareti
Narratological criticism
S u mma r y
The aim of this paper is to describe the main features of contemporary narratology. The definitions of the discipline vary widely depending on various factors. There are thematological and formalist considerations of narrative, that marked
the very beginnings of narratological studies; there are structuralist approaches to
it as well as deconstructive or interdisciplinary ones; there are historical, sociological, and anthropological views, feminist, and political ones. But in methodological
sense, we can distinguish narratology as theoretical narrative poetics and narratology as a kind of criticism, practical or interpretative narratology. The first view of
narrative poetics is restrictive since it excludes semantic and contextual aspects of
individual narrative texts from the investigation; the second one is expansive since it
tries to apply theoretical concepts in analysis and interpretation of individual texts.
Whether it is expansive or restrictive, narratology was at its best when it was defined
as immanent method and studied the narrativity of narrative text, i.e. its specific
form and structure, as can be clearly seen from the example of Genettes, Cohns or
Chatmans works.
Key words: narratology, structuralism, interdisciplinary approach, narration,
meaning, narratological criticism.


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