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Movie: Spanglish

Before watching:
Have you seen the film? What is it about?
What does the title tell you about the film? Can you think of any
theme the movie explores?
While watching
00- 03.40 Anser!
Why does the main "hara"ter de"ide to #o to $.%.A?
When are the folloin# ords'phrases used by the "hara"ters?
Toss it Gorgeous Flunking out Ill show you around. Florrrrrrr!
0.() Anser!
What*s the expression that Christina tea"hes to her mother? Why?
Why does Christina add just to the expression?
0.44 + 0.4) Complete ith your ideas and anser
,lor needs to sleep at the house on the bea"h be"ause------..
What does .eborah*s expression /you "an make a fortune at surro#ate pre#nan"y0 mean?
01.1& 1.(4
Why doesn*t ,lor ant to send Cristina to 2erni"e*s s"hool?
1.&3 + (.01 Wat"h the s"ene and then mat"h the expressions to their definitions
1. 4ou are a trip 5Ameri"an 6n#lish informal7
(. 8o rub off on
3. We*re leavin# for #ood
4. 9*m #onna keep my eye on you
&. Can*t #ive you #uys a lift?
a. a person or experien"e that is amusin# and
b. 5:permanently7
". to look after someone or somethin# and
make sure that they are safe
d. if you #ive someone a lift; you take them
somehere in your "ar synonym ride
e. to start havin# a feelin#; <uality or habit
be"ause you are ith another person ho
has it.

(.01 + the end =isten and "omplete. 8hen look the ords up the in the di"tionary and "omment on
Christina*s final ords.
/ 9*ve been your apply to your university and
your lists of s"holarship available to me. 8hou#h; as 9 hope this essay shos your a""eptan"e; hile it
ould ----.. me; ill not ------. me. >y identity rests firmly and happily on one fa"t! 9 am my
mother*s dau#hter.0
"fter watching
Speaking: #Take down notes $efore giving your opinion%
.o you believe it*s important for ,lor to prote"t her "ultural herita#e? Why?
After havin# at"hed the movie; do you think that it*s orthhile to learn about "ultural traditions
and norm of a "ountry before #oin# on a trip? Why'not?

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