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Chimney Ridge Homeowners Association

Meeting Minutes
May 27, 2014 at 7:00 pm

Board Members Present: Jeff Miles, Dot White, Jill Hudgins, Carla Batchelor, Monica
Property Management: Jerry Tucker and Dwayne

Meeting was called to order.

Meeting minutes from April 2014 were approved.
A homeowner from building 3805 raised the issue of sealing/staining to protect the wood
on the wooden walkways. It was raised that the wooden dumpster enclosures also need
to be sealed/stained.
o Action Item: Jerry will get estimates for getting this work accomplished.
o Board will vote via email after receiving estimates
There have been complaints about cars parking along curbs, especially in front of 3706.
There are also several cars with expired tags. Approximately 12 days before tonight, 2-
day notices were placed on these vehicles. Only 2 people have responded to these notices.
o Action Item: Final notices will be placed on the vehicles, and if no action is
taken within 2 days, the vehicles will be towed.
Note: the owner of the van with the stolen plates contacted Dwayne. He
will be given additional time as he is trying to resolve the problem.
o Action Item: Jerry will contact the towing company and clarify who gets charged
for the towing fees. Is the towing expense charged to Chimney Ridge or the
vehicles owner?
The landscapers did some pruning around the community, however some areas were
o Action Item: Jerry has contacted the landscaper. It will be further communicated
to the landscaper that the bushes in front of the unit need to be trimmed away
from the window and cut so that the height is below the level of the railing.
Accomplishments since the last meeting
o Owners received coupon booklets/ instructions for setting up electronic payments
(BB&T bank vault)
o Pool was opened on Memorial Day weekend
o Pine straw was placed around the community
o The broken limb on Highgate was removed
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The meeting moved to the executive session.

Meeting was adjourned.

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