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Lower Manhattan Community Middle

26 Broadway, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10004
hone! "646# $26%$100
Fa&! "646# $26%$101
To Whom it May Concern,
I write to recommend Peter Schmitt for an administrative osition at yo!r schoo". In the
year that I have wor#ed with him at Lower Manhattan Comm!nity Midd"e Schoo", I have seen
him in many conte$ts and ro"es that ma#e me s!reme"y confident that he wi"" %e an e$ce""ent
addition to any schoo" comm!nity. &mong the many traits that ma#e me so confident in him are
his !ni'!e a%i"ity to %e a cons!mmate rofessiona" witho!t %ecoming too serio!s, his a%i"ity to
ma#e meaningf!" connections with eo"e of a"" ages and %ac#gro!nds, and his wi""ingness to
%a"ance many demands and "ay many ro"es sim!"taneo!s"y.
Mr. Schmitt is high"y rofessiona" %!t e'!a""y aroacha%"e. (e shows ! to wor# near"y
an ho!r ear"y every morning, %!t a"ways ma#es time to chat with his co""eag!es or "isten to a
st!dent share a ro%"em rior to c"ass. )!ring the many meetings we shared together, Mr.
Schmitt consistent"y came we"" reared, and yet was atient with those who erhas had not
!t in the rior tho!ght that he had. (e is re"ia%"e and deenda%"e with his co""eag!es, ma#ing
good on the many ro"es that he has vo"!nteered for thro!gho!t the year inc"!ding *+T chater
"eader, secia" ed!cation coordinator, instr!ctiona" "eadershi team mem%er and of co!rse, ICT
co,teacher. Perhas it is the resect garnered from his rofessiona"ism that he"s Mr. Schmitt
get a"ong with everyone.
Mr. Schmitt '!ic#"y made strong and meaningf!" connections with st!dents and teachers
a"i#e. With st!dents he created %onds with some of o!r to!ghest st!dents %y showing his
re"ent"ess atience with them, %oth in terms of their %ehavior and academic needs. (is
encyc"oedic #now"edge of s!er,heroes didn-t h!rt either. In addition to his incredi%"e wor#
ethic, his good h!mor and ositive attit!de a""owed him to '!ic#"y form %onds with his new
co""eag!es. It is this wor# ethic that wi"" a"so serve Mr. Schmitt we"" as a schoo" administrator.
.eed"ess to say, there are many resonsi%i"ities of a schoo" administrator. /eing a%"e to
0!gg"e the diverse ro"es can %e a cha""enge, %!t Mr. Schmitt-s a%i"ity to do this as a teacher wi""
ma#e his transition to administrator seam"ess. In addition to a f!"" teaching "oad wor#ing in an
ICT c"assroom and doing some !"" o!t S1TSS eriods, Mr. Schmitt has fo!nd time to wor# with
a arade of schoo" sycho"ogists to #ee the gears grinding whi"e o!r schoo" sycho"ogist is on
maternity "eave. (e too# on vario!s "eadershi ositions, and even fo!nd time to coach the
trac# team.
2iven the myriad cha""enges that face schoo" administrators in .ew 3or#, it is c"ear that
Peter Schmitt-s e$erience and ersona"ity wi"" ma#e the transition from c"assroom teacher to
administrator a smooth one. (e is 0!st the #ind of erson I wo!"d have "oved to have wor#ed
with as a teacher, and 0!st the #ind of erson I "oo# forward to #eeing in to!ch with and
so"iciting advice from as a co""eag!e. P"ease do not hesitate to contact me if yo! have any
f!rther '!estions.
/en0amin 2e%a""e
&ssistant Princia"
Lower Manhattan Comm!nity Midd"e Schoo"
46 /roadway, 6th +"oor
.ew 3or#, .3 56667
Phone8 9676: 846,8566
+a$8 9676: 846,8565

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