The Love of A Hero

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The Love of a Hero

By Evan Byrd

Andrews thoughts were only of the target before him. The crowd roared as he pulled back his bow ready to shoot. Andrew was in the final round of his
archery competition, and this shot meant everything to him. He released the arrow, and it hit the bulls eye. Everyone was on their feet clapping for him. Andrew
knew him hade talent, but it had never felt so good.
All the gods of Mount Olympus knew of Andrews amazing archery talent as well. The Mynon son of Ares (who was not in attendance) needed to be shot
dead because he was taking innocent girls. The gods conversed about who would be the best for this challenge.
Andrew has what it takes Father, Artemis Andrews aunt insisted.
We all know that daughter, but Emily the daughter of Demeter is fast and intelligent. She in my opinion is more suited to the task, Zeus stated.
Hestia the peacemaker of all the gods stepped forward. She was as calm as could be.
Why not unite the two? The Mynon is searching for young women, so she would need protection. Is this not the perfect solution? Hestia reasoned. All
the gods nodded and sent Hermes to the two young people to deliver their message.
Andrew was sitting on his front porch relishing the summer sun. His mother Lya was inside watching the daily news. Andrew had chosen to escape the
living room because all the news talked about was the latest kidnappings of 15 girls. Just as Andrew was about to take a drink of lemonade he saw a man flying
from the sky. It looked like he was wearing winged sandals. All Andrew could do was stare in wonder.
Hello my name is Hermes. I am the messenger of the Greek gods. They have sent me to tell you that you have a very important mission, Hermes said.
What is it? Andrew asked confident that he would be able to accomplish it. He was the son of Apollo after all.
You are to kill the Mynon. He is the son of Ares and has been kidnapping young girls. The Mynon is vicious, so you will be getting help to complete your
task. Hephaestus has crafted you a bow with poisonous arrows. You will use these to kill the Mynon, Hermes then handed him a golden bow with long sharp
arrows. Hermes swooped up Andrew and they flew away.
They eventually landed on lush gardens by a huge brick mansion.
This is our stop, Hermes declared. They walked up steps to get to the huge front door. Hermes rang the door bell. Andrew was expecting an athletic
and strong boy to walk out. Instead the prettiest girl he had ever seen came through the door way. She had golden hair down to her waist and bright eyes like the
sky above them.
Andrew, Andrew? Hermes repeated after catching him staring at the girl.
What? Andrew answered shaking himself out of a daze. He had to stay focused.
Andrew this is Emily. Emily this is Andrew. Emily is the daughter of Demeter. She will help you defeat the Mynon. Emily is the fastest and smartest
demigod you will ever meet, Hermes complimented her.
Hello. I already know that Im not what you expected when you heard you were getting some help, Emily stated. She couldnt help notice how
gorgeous Andrew were. His blonde hair, tan skin, and blue eyes made him look like the cute surfers on TV. Emily was positive he had a girlfriend.
Sort of, Andrew said honestly. He was still amazed by the beautiful girl. She just looked chic with floral pants and a cute pink top.
Well now that two are acquainted its time for you to go, but I must warn you. Ares has cursed you from the start since he doesnt want his son to be
killed. He will send an obstacle so dont expect an easy journey, Hermes told them.
Since Andrew was 16, he could drive them. They took Emilys small red convertible. Andrew thought the car suited her very well. The two rode in
silence for the longest time until they heard a sound that seemed to be a dinosaur stomping around.
What was that? Emily mumbled quietly.
I have no idea. Maybe we are hearing things Andrew didnt even try to believe his own words. Then from the forest beside them stepped a huge
monster. It had many heads Andrew had never seen anything like it. What are we going to do? Andrew wondered.
Your question was just answered, Andrew tried to joke. But it did not come out very funny.
Ha, ha, ha. Not very funny. The Hydra is standing in front of us. Tell me you have a plan.
Do you remember Hercules? He cut off then Hydras heads, yet they grew back. I think that we should follow his plan. Cut off the heads then we burn
Okay. Ill catch some sticks on fire you. You start cutting off heads.
Lets go! Andrew went right after the Hydra. He focused only on the task in front of him. The Hydra stomped around trying to kill Andrew.
Here take the stick. Cut and burn! Emily yelled. Andrew kept cutting off the heads one at a time. Stupid Ares! You just had to curse. Andrew didnt
stop until the Hydra was defeated.
Wow youre good. The Mynon doesnt stand a chance against you, Emily praised.
Thanks, Andrew replied winded and tired. All he could think about was going to bed, but they needed to keep going. Andrew and Emily hopped back
into the car and continued their trek.
Where is this Mynon exactly? Emily asked. He better know where we are going!
A deep cave in Ohio. Thats where Hermes told me on our flight to your house,
Peachy. Their discussion ended until Emily thought of another good question.
How do you suppose we kill this Mynon?
The Mynon is in a cave, so we need to draw him out. Then I would be able to shoot him.
How do suppose we get him out?
Do you mind being bait? Andrew felt bad for putting her in a tough spot, but they really didnt have choice.
You want me to get the Mynon to chase me, so that hes close enough to shoot. Im game.
Great. They drove or awhile until they reached the Mynons cave.
This is it, Andrew stated. He was ready for whatever happened. Andrew and Emily knew exactly what they were going to do. Emily walked right up
to the cave a screamed
Mynon! Then the ugliest and creepiest thing walked out. The Mynon had fiery red eyes and looked like he was ready to kill. Emily took off in a dead
sprint in the direction of Andrew who was ready to shoot. She came by his side as the monster ran towards them.
You got this Andrew. Its now or never! Emily encouraged. Andrew nodded. You got this. Aim for his heart. He pulled back on his bow that Hephaestus
had crafted for him. Then he aimed at the Mynon. Andrew released the arrow, and it flew straight and true to kill the Mynon. The Mynon crumpled to the ground in
death. Relief flooded through Andrew, for he had completed his task.
That was amazing! Emily loudly proclaimed. All 15 girls came charging out of the cave to hug Andrew. Emily was jealous, but then Andrew turned
around and kissed her so sweetly. The kiss was perfect. Emilys first kiss was from a hero who came flying form the clouds. I just kissed Emily. I really just did that!
Andrew thought.
After they finished celebrating , the girls were returned to their overjoyed parents. Andrew had never felt so happy. The feeling left when he had to
tell Emily good bye.
Bye Emily. I will never forget you, Andrew whispered into her ear.
You are my hero. I will never be able to forget you either, Emily said. She thought she might burst into tears. The two hugged , and the went their
separate ways.
Oh, mom. I will never see her again. Lya said nothing back to her son. She hated seeing him so miserable. Andrew was exhausted , so hje went to bed
knowing he had another archery competition the next day.
Lya and Andrew left their house that morning just like it was any other day. When they pulled up to the parking lot Andrew saw someone familiar.
Emily?! Andrew yelled in surprise.
Andrew! Emily and Andrew embraced for a moment, I remembered you talking about this competition, so I had to come.
This is awesome! I need to get going. I will see you afterwards then?
You bet.
Andrew made it to the final round, and it was his turn to shoot. His thoughts were only of the target before him. The crowd roared as he pulled back
his bow ready to shoot. The Andrew released the arrow

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