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Action Plan

Go to Germany to improve my German language through an
intensive language course for one or two months.

Apply to an institution called HEIDELBERGER Pdagogium and
get contact with the professors of the institution.
Date I expect to
complete this step by:
I WILL TELL MY PLAN TO: Thomas May, Rosaura Gutierrez 29th March
Step 1. Send an email to one specific staff of the institution to see
which dates are available.
29th March
Step 2.. Complete the registration form and then send it to the
18 June
Step 3. Take the virtual test to see how is my level of German
language to know which level of the course I will attend and send it
16 June
Step 4. Pay the course and purchase my flight ticket. 25 June
Step 5. Go to Germany and after a month or two back to Dominican
Republic and track the course through an institution in the country.
By 19 July

What problems am I likely to face?
Some excuses of my parents
The institute could be full by the date that I want.

What will I do to overcome these?
Convince my parents showing that is the best way to overcome my
German language and to be more independent, since I will be in a
new phase of my life and also I will be alone in Germany without
their facilities.
If the date on which I would like to go to the institute were full, I
will look for one that is not so far removed from the chosen date.

Become a Psychologist to study the behavior of the humans and
help kids with mental disability.

Choose in which university I would like to attend.
Date I expect to
complete this step
I WILL TELL MY PLAN TO: Thomas May, Rosaura Gutierrez
and Raphie Flores
29th March
Step 1. Finish My High School 14th June
Step 2. Choose the place in which I want to study. August 2014
Step 3.. Choose the university that I would like to attend. August 2014
Step 4. Search for my notes of all my high school, look for the
requirements to apply to the university and do a personal budget.
September 2014
Step 5. Take the inscription test and start the university. November 2014

What problems am I likely to face?
Struggle with my decisions of which place I would like to live and
in which place I would like to study.
Do not have some papers of the requirements of the university.

What will I do to overcome these?
Asking God to help me, for him to guide me with my decisions to
be able to realize what things are the best for me.
Search carefully what are the things necessary and ask the school
what I need if they can help.

Apply to a German Company for a job while doing my master in

Finish my career
Date I expect to
complete this step
I WILL TELL MY PLAN TO: Thomas May, Rosaura Gutierrez and
Raphie Flores
29 March 2014
Step 1. Finish my psychology career and move to Germany. By October 2017
Step 2. Move to Germany By December 2017
Step 3. Search about the company that I would like to work with and
also find a university to do start my master.
By December 2017
Step 4. Apply to the university and search about the requirements of
the German Company.
By January 2018
Step 5. Start my master in psychology and start working By March 2018

What problems am I likely to face?
Not being accepted in the university
Not being accepted in the company

What will I do to overcome these?
Trying to get what I plan for my life and strive to give the best of
myself. Also, I would search about different enterprise and universities
that fits with my profile.

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