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5th Grade Final Science Project

Browse our science text book.
Find a topic that interests you that we have not studied this year.
Read through the lesson and take notes.
Plan out a poster, powerpoint, experiment, or game to teach the other students
about that topic.
You will present your science project to the class, ask questions, and make it
give a FIVE question quiz at the end about your topic (you decide how to grade it).

My Lesson: Unit ___: Chapter ____: Lesson ____: Textbook Pages: ______ to ______
Lesson Title Question: __________________________________________________________
I took notes on the whole chapter (staple to this page when you turn it in)
I am going to create a ____________________________ to teach the class.
Materials I will need to get are: ___________________________________________________________
My lesson plan is written up on a separate piece of paper NEATLY.
My 5 quiz questions are written up and will be displayed clearly for the class at the
end of my lesson.
o Did you TEACH the answers to the questions that are on your quiz?
The activity the students will do with my presentation is __________________________
The students will stay engaged because I will ___________________________________
o Ideas: whiteboards, treats, questions, picking sticks, your enthusiasm, video,

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