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Chapter 7 Test Study Outline

** Modeling the Loudness of Sounds **

The following is a suggested course of study which ought to
prepare you for your Algebra 2 Test over Sections 7.1 to 7.6.
Step 1 Note Card Progress
Complete Book Assignments 7.5 and 7.6
Book Assignment 7.5 - Pages 510 to 512, #7-30, 33-42, 53-60
De !es, 5"27
Book Assignment 7.6 - Pages 51#-520, #7-10, 1$-27, 35-40, 4#, 50
Step 2
D%ing Step 2, &%eate a draft o'
(o% )ote Ca%d. *se a 'll-si+ed
pie&e o' pape% to ,%ite do,n all
possi-le 'o%mlas"e.amples (o
mig/t need on t/e test
Complete all !est 0.t%a C%edit
Page 543, #1-24, 27-2#
Step 3
D%ing Step 3, &%eate (o% 'inal
5.7 )ote Ca%d. Begin -( sing
onl( t/e 'o%mlas and e.amples
o' t/e &on&epts (o /a1e t/e
most di''i&lties ,it/. 2' (o /a1e
e.t%a spa&e, o' &o%se pt some
e.t%a 'o%mlas and e.amples on
(o% &a%d.
Do 3ots o' 0.t%a P%a&ti&e P%o-lems '%om t/e %e1ie, se&tions in t/e
-a&k o' t/e &/apte% and '%om t/e 4ini-5i++es s&atte%ed t/%og/ot
t/e &/apte%.
Pages 53#-542, #1-34
Bottom o' Page 4#5
Bottom o' Page 513
Bottom o' Page 536, #1-#, 16
6ome 2mpo%tant 7o%ds to %emem-e%8 Growth Factor, Decay
Factor, Horizontal Asymptote, Natural Logarithm 9ln:
Also, %emind (o%sel' o' t/e ;P%ope%ties o' 3oga%it/ms; !a-le
on Pages 507 and t/e ;C/ange-o'-Base <o%mla; !a-le on Page
Step 4 7/ile t%(ing ot t/e p%a&ti&e
p%o-lems on Page 1016, #1-45,
test ot (o% )ote Ca%d. Does it
/a1e e1e%(t/ing (o need= 2' (o
identi'( p%o-lems, t/en add to it
o% make a ne, )ote Ca%d.
2' t/e%e a%e ma>o% &on&epts t/at do not make sense, t/en set p a
meeting time ,it/ a '%iend o% ,it/ 4%. ?alpin a'te% s&/ool on
4onda( and"o% !esda( 'o% some e.t%a tea&/ing /elp. !/e%e a%e
e.t%a p%a&ti&e p%o-lems on Page 1016, #1-45

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