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"#$ M'S! (IS!E)$
My %ame is -e.i% "a%ada/ I got i%.o&.ed i% po&itics a0ter a&most dyi%g at a V #ospita&. I guess a0ter you go through such a trauma
it cha%ges your &i0e1 you rea&i2e how 0&eeti%g &i0e rea&&y is a%d how precious &i0e rea&&y is. %yways1 a0ter that batt&e a%d %i%e surgeries &ater
I3m sti&& tryi%g to piece my &i0e back together1 got .ery i%.o&.ed i% hea&thcare re0orm. I had writte% "o&i% +owe&& re4uesti%g he ru% 0or
+reside%t thi%ki%g we %eeded a b&ack +reside%t was i% a b&ack mi%istry i% 5&orida at the time a%d saw how oppressed b&ack peop&e were.
We&& he wrote me a short %ote back sayi%g he wou&d %ot get i%.o&.ed i% po&itics bei%g .ery co%sumed with the cha&&e%ges o0 "hairma% o0
6merica3s +romise71 a youth orga%i2atio% dedicated to he&pi%g Youth at ,isk. I thought great he actua&&y took the time to write me a
perso%a& %ote back1 I was a 0ormer "aptai% i% Specia& 5orces1 may be why he wrote. %yways I showed this to my pastor i% Or&a%do1
5&orida "&i %t 8row% o0 5aithwor&d1 tur%s out he was good 0rie%ds with 9eorge 8ush3s +astor :ames ,obiso%1 8e%%y #i%% a%d that who&e
ga%g1 took 8e%%y #i%%3s church1 thus a b&ack +reside%t was bor%. )ot 4uite that simp&e I k%ow1 I3m sure a &ot o0 peop&e got i%.o&.ed
i% getti%g a b&ack guy e&ected. O0 course it took se.era& years 0or a&& this to 0i%a&&y happe%. I did %ot k%ow 8arack Obama perso%a&&y a%d
sti&& do%3t1 I3m g&ad I cou&d ha.e he&ped the cause o0 b&ack peop&e a%d a&& peop&e 0or that matter si%ce race tra%sce%ds a&& peop&es. 8ut &itt&e
did I k%ow what I was getti%g i%.o&.ed i% whe% I wrote that &etter to "o&i% +owe&&. !ur%s out "o&i% +owe&& a%d Dick "he%%ey &i.e i% the
same tow% Mc&ea%1 V1 the o%&y other thi%g i% Mc&ea%1 V is the "I that shou&d te&& you a&& you %eed to k%ow about these two. !hese
)eoco%s peop&e had me targeted by "OI)!E(+,O 0or speaki%g out about what I k%ow1 death threats1 ;/<= sur.ei&&a%ce1 etc1 etc.
coup&e years a0ter I wrote "o&i% +owe&& I we%t back to schoo& to work o% my graduate degree a% M8 at the '%i.ersity o0
Was sti&& commu%icati%g with +owe&& se%di%g him case studies o% the g&oba& commu%ity 0rom my M8 program1 he was %ow Secretary o0
State. !he% >/?? happe%ed a%d I wrote +owe&& tha%k 9od the terrorists did %ot ha.e a %uc&ear bomb1 a0ter a&& the grou%d 2ero ta&k. %d
a0ter that a&&3s I heard was WMD this a%d WMD that1 at that poi%t I k%ew these bastards were &yi%g about e.erythi%g1 >/??1 the war i%
Ira4. I k%ew they were graspi%g at a%ythi%g to @usti0y a&& their war mo%geri%g hype about >/?? a%d the possib&e i%.asio% o0 Ira4. t that
poi%t I k%ew I had to try a%d stop this atrocity that was about to u%0o&d. Dick "he%ey3s daughter mysterious&y shows up i% my M8
program1 guess +owe&& &iked the work I was se%di%g him1 him a%d Dick "he%ey bei%g such buds a%d e.erythi%g. +robab&y to get their
secret thugs to keep a% eye o% me. I e.e% wrote (y%% "he%ey a% a%ti war emai& tryi%g desperate&y to stop this crimi%a& war that
was comi%g k%owi%g it was a&& based o% a pack o0 &ies. !he% +owe&& goes i% 0ro%t o0 the '%ited )atio%s a%d &ies his ass o00 about WMD1 I
k%ew we were i% troub&e. E.e% i0 there were WMDs i% Ira4 they were o%&y there because we so&d them to them a%d a bogus eAcuse to go to
war. 0ter I se%t "he%ey3s daughter a% a%tiwar emai& Bwe a&& had each others emai&C I had he&icopters ho.eri%g my house. !he "I
showed up o% my campus recruiti%g 0or their crimi%a& orga%i2atio%1 &ike a% idiot I atte%d o%e o0 these recruiti%g e.e%ts a%d show them
+owe&&3s &etter a%d te&& them my story1 soo% a0terwards my pho%es a%d emai&s are tapped perma%e%t&y a%d sti&& are. )ow I3.e &ear%ed the
+reside%t had a secret program ca&&ed the 6+reside%ts Sur.ei&&a%ce +rogram71 a ga%g sta&ki%g a%d sur.ei&&a%ce program he used agai%st
a%yo%e who pub&ic&y spoke out agai%st his po&icies or had k%ow&edge o0 their crimes1 the :ustice Dept says it wi&& be great&y curtai&ed1 we3&&
ha.e to see about that they are a&& crimi%a&. !hey target me with sate&&ites e.erywhere I go1 am sta&ked e.erywhere I go.
So what e%sues %eAt is somethi%g out o0 a %ightmare sce%ario a%d a made 0or !V spy i%trigue1 as &o%g as its %ot happe%i%g to you I
guess. 0ter three years o0 a&most co%sta%t sur.ei&&a%ce a%d 0i%a&&y recei.i%g my M8 a%d sti&& 0ighti%g this i&&%ess1 I decide to head to the
Mou%tai%s B!e&&urideC to get away 0rom these crimi%a&s1 '%0ortu%ate&y the "I a%d Dick "he%%ey/+owe&& k%ow %o bou%daries1 the "Is
reach is e.erywhere a%d they &et you k%ow it. I ha.e huge mi&itary he&icopters 0&yi%g my house aeria& mappi%g I suppose/ get .isited
the day be0ore the D)" i% by siA or eight pache he&icopters which 0&y right o00 my back porch1 at ?<1DDD0t. Maybe it was a% i%.ite
to the big da%ce i% which I did %ot atte%d1 0air&y sure at that time that Obama was a 0raud or at the &east tota&&y bought a%d paid
0or1 %ow I k%ow him a%d his mom are "I1 ha.i%g both worked 0or "I 0ro%t compa%ies as we&& as 8i&& "&i%to%1 eAp&ai%s why peop&e &ike
#i&ary a%d "o&i% +owe&& ru% orga%i2atio%s &ike the State Dept1 a&& 0ro%ts 0or the "I. I ca%3t e.e% go i%to tow% without bei%g 0o&&owed by
e.ery 0orm o0 &aw e%0orceme%t1 0rom State !roopers1 to "ou%ty po&ice1 the &oca& yokos a%d e.e% 0ire a%d EMS peop&e a%d 5orest ,a%gers1
a%yo%e with a &itt&e power. 0ter three years o0 this at this poi%t I started 0ighti%g back1 got a&& my "o%gressma% a%d Se%ators
perso%a& emai&s a%d started rea&&y getti%g i%.o&.ed i% 0ighti%g the 8ush "rime 5ami&y1 k%owi%g how rea&&y crimi%a& they a&& where.
,ea&i2i%g how 0u&&y a%d tota&&y corrupt our media was by that time I started &ear%i%g about a&ter%ati.e media o% the I%ter%et a%d
e&sewhere1 where some modicum o0 truth was bei%g to&d about this crimi%a& this rea&&y ticked them o00 %ow. I guess %ow I was
rea&&y &ear%i%g a&& their crimes. !he e&ectio% was a sham desig%ed to e%sure 8ushes ma% Obama wo%1 +owe&&s reward 0or bei%g a% '%c&e
!om.!(,(E:+S5"5F<>DO B,ead Ed Yock 58I GDE Sta&ki%g +rogramC
!hey start to harass me big time1 usi%g the media to harass you e.erywhere. !hey &iste% i% o% your pho%e ca&&s or read your emai&s a%d
the %eAt thi%g you k%ow you are heari%g that same sub@ect matter bei%g discussed o% say (arry -i%g Ba .ery corrupt media perso%a&ityC or
you see it o% a web site you 0re4ue%t &ike Yahoo or others. !hey co%tro& abso&ute&y e.ery 0orm o0 media. YO' M'S! ,ED !#IS WE8
SI!E: http://www.sur.ei&& B &ot o0 this is happe%i%g to me %owC.><p;sJmD5Y W!"#$ Se%ator (eahy 58I #eari%g
K!he Media Ma0ia ca% arra%ge 0or the harassme%t o0 %o% pub&ic 0igures to come 0rom di00ere%t sources. 8y aski%g &eadi%g 4uestio%s o0
i%ter.iewees1 timi%g whe% certai% stories shows ru%1 care0u&&y editi%g a%d taki%g matters out o0 proper co%teAt they ca% pai%t a decepti.e
I)5O,M !#E +O(I"E1 D O, YO', "O)9,ESSM) I5 "O)!"!ED 8Y !#ESE ",IMI)(S $
+(ESE DIS!,I8'!E !O O!#E,S$ MY VIDEOS W!"#$ M'S! (IS!E)$
picture1 a%d a .ery 0ami&iar/a%%oyi%g o%e 0or their targets. %d they do somethi%g simi&ar with photos1 .ideos1 %ewspapers a%y 0orm o0
media they co%tro& which is a&& o0 them. !hey use cops1 sire%s wha&i%g at you1 e.e% corrupt aircra0t pi&ots are used to 0&y .ery &ow a%d scare
the ho&y shit out o0 you1 a%ythi%g to get you to stop doi%g what you are doi%g1 i% my case I write a &ot1 I3m a writer that3s what I do. I write
a &ot o0 emai&s a%d b&ogs eAposi%g their crimes a%d they do%3t &ike it at a&&. !hey ca% tap right i%to cops computer systems a%d se%d them
dow% a%y street1 pretty soo% you ca%3t go a%ywhere without seei%g cops1 0ire trucks or EMS peop&e e.erywhere1 a%d most o0 the time these
peop&e are %ot e.e% aware they are bei%g used to harass peop&e1 a&though I3.e %ow &ear%ed ma%y do k%ow what3s goi%g o%. Its part o0 the
ci.i&ia% )a2i 0orce they use i% this cou%try1 0ire0ighters1 cops1 cop 0rater%a& orga%i2atio%s1 maso%s1 etc1 etc. Our &itt&e )a2i state i% this
cou%try I k%ew eAisted. !hey use state o0 the art sate&&ite systems so ad.a%ced they ca% read a%ythi%g you write i% your ow% home
a%d track you ;/<= a%ywhere a%d e.erywhere$ !his is our 8ra.e )ew Wor&d$ You become targeted i% e.ery way shape a%d 0orm1 I3m
writi%g a book a%d maki%g a about it1 it3s so i%sa%e a%d bi2arre1 i0 I stay a&i.e that is1 ha.e had death threats as ha.e others i%.o&.ed
i% the !ruth Mo.eme%t. I3m sure my k%ow&edge o0 their WMD &ies a%d >/?? ha.e made me a .ery big target as we&& as my i%.o&.eme%t i%
+reside%tia& po&itics1 the "I has tried to recruit me as ha.e 8arack Obama3s peop&e1 he&& he probab&y e.e% sto&e my dogs %ame 6#ope7.
)o way i% he&& I3m goi%g to work 0or a%y o0 these corrupt bastards1 probab&y @ust wa%t to co%tro& me1 sorry I got i%.o&.ed1 but %ot
rea&&y my i%.o&.eme%t is bri%gi%g about hea&thcare re0orm as we&& the 0irst b&ack +reside%t1 e.e% i0 he is corrupt a%d hea&thcare re0orm is a
@oke1 its a start at &east. '%0ortu%ate&y the price you pay 0or getti%g i%.o&.ed with these crimi%a&s it3s u%be&ie.ab&e a%d may e.e% cause you
your &i0e1 there are more dead peop&e arou%d the "&i%to%s tha% most peop&e wi&& k%ow1 but you do%3t hear these stories1 %ow you k%ow
why. !he V.. is i%.o&.ed i% targeti%g .etera%s a%d huma% eAperime%tatio%/ I a&most died a 0ew years ago1 so death is %ot u%0ami&iar to
me1 a%yways I ha.e a right to speak out1 peop&e shou&d k%ow what3s goi%g o% i% their go.t1 we3.e had e%ough secrecy. !he o%&y way we
ca% de0eat such outright corruptio% is to ba%d together a%d 0ight it a%d start to speak out1 especia&&y peop&e i% the k%ow such as &aw
e%0orceme%t1 etc who k%ow what goes o% o% the i%side. I was ta&ki%g to a 8u00a&o cop a%d he to&d me the "I ca% do a%ythi%g a%d he mea%t
it1 a%d said %o way i% he&& shou&d they ha.e that ki%d o0 power. #ad a (o%g is&a%d cop te&& me what the "I is doi%g is 5Li%g u%be&ie.ab&e1
so peop&e k%ow but u%0ortu%ate&y do %ot speak out agai%st it a%d &ea.e the 0ew o0 us who do sta%d up to this ki%d o0 corruptio% tota&&y
.u&%erab&e a%d a&o%e. !his is eAact&y what is do%e to a !I1 it3s actua&&y a way to ki&& a perso% a%d make it &ook %atura&.
0ter three years up there i% !e&&uride I ca%3t take the harassme%t a%ymore1 they recruit my %eighbors to harass a%d spy o% me1 o%e o0 my
%eighbors is a cop1 the other a 0ire 0ighter1 they get %eighbors to tur% o% their %eighbors1 it was &ike somethi%g you o%&y hear happe%i%g i%
So.iet ,ussia. %ythi%g they ca% do to stop you doi%g what you are doi%g1 i% my case se%di%g emai&s to co%gress a%d the media. Sorry that
ai%3t go%%a happe%1 i0 they wa%t to ki&& me so be it1 b&ood wi&& be o% their ha%ds1 this cou%try %eeds peop&e &ike me speaki%g out1 that is the
o%&y way we ca% hope 0or rea& cha%ge i% this cou%try1 peop&e &ike 8arack a%d most that wi&& 0o&&ow are o%&y bought a%d paid 0or
puppets o0 the )ew Wor&d Order1 5D, tried to war% us about. s he said "They (who) seek to establish systems of government based on the
regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual this a new order. It is not new and it is not order." FDR 9o to Obama
Works 0or the "I website a%d ,ED W#! O8M )D #IS MO!#E, ,E (( 8O'!1 they both worked 0or the "I:
&&s I ca% do is try a%d educate a%d i%0orm peop&e1 the rest wi&& be up to them to care e%ough about their cou%try a%d the crimes that are
goi%g o% to start to speak out a%d try a%d cha%ge thi%gs. O%&y We "a% E00ect ,ea& "ha%ge i% !his "ou%try$
"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think" dolf Hitler
I am writi%g a book a%d may do a docume%tary 0i&m about it a&&1 was o% the :oh% Stewart show. !hey ha.e ski% heads 0o&&ow me arou%d a&&
the time1 &oca& thugs come up a%d te&& me about bei%g throw% i% @ai& or impriso%ed i% some "I camp where they 0eed drugs i%to you1
a%ythi%g to scare1 humi&iate a%d break you dow%1 they e.e% spy o% you i% your ow% bedroom a%d &et you k%ow it1 a%d i%timidate a%d
harass you %o%stop1 p&a%ted a 9+S i% my car to ha.e cops track me &ike a dog. I k%ow it a&& sou%ds abso&ute&y absurd but
u%0ortu%ate&y this is how our "I/)S operates1 a%ythi%g to oppress or 4uiet the truth. !he ma0ia tru&y does ru% our cou%try1
why do you thi%k they we%t to "hicago to recruit their %eAt +reside%t1 the capito& o0 the mob. !o up thi%gs &ike >/??1 the 5t. #ood
shooti%gs1 a%d the rest o0 the i%sa%ity &et &oose i% merica1 keep us i% 5E,$ Whe% they started tappi%g my pho%es a%d emai&s that was it.
I0 you ha.e bee% recruited to i%ter0ace with me1 i%ter0ere with me i% a%y way1 or k%ow others1 Ba%d there are p&e%ty o0 other peop&e who ha.e
bee% targeted by these crimi%a&sC who ha.e bee% targeted such as myse&0 0or speaki%g out p&ease co%tact me a%d gi.e me your story1 your
co%0ide%tia&ity wi&& be respected a%d you ca% he&p S!O+ these crimes 0rom happe%i%g to those o0 us who do speak out agai%st the crimes
bei%g committed by our ow% go.t. +&ease ha.e the courage to sta%d up to this1 we wi&& gi.e you part o0 the proceeds o0 the 0i&m a%d book
a%d pay you as we&& 0or your i%0ormatio%. I0 you are a member o0 &aw e%0orceme%t a%d ha.e bee% used i% this ma%%er p&ease start to speak
out agai%st this1 which is the o%&y way we ca% hope to recapture our cou%try agai%1 p&ease gi.e me your story. !hey are sur.ei&&i%g you
guys too trust me/ a%ybody tryi%g to do the right thi%g ca% be targeted by these crimi%a&s. %d p&ease .isit these web sites I ha.e &isted a%d
see 0or yourse&0 what our crimi%a& is doi%g right here i% the 'S. )OW WE #VE #I!I K#,+31 !#EY ") ",E!E
E,!#F'-ES )OW$ 9oog&e it$ !his &etter to "o&i% +owe&& ga.e us our b&ack +reside%t 8arack Obama1 I3m pretty sure. !hey i%tercept
my pho%e ca&&s a%d emai&s so keep tryi%g a%d write me1 I )EED YO', #E(+ E*+OSI)9 !#EM$ I wi&& pay you 0or your testimo%y.
6WE ,E "#)9E7
You ca% co%tact me at: -e.i% "a%ada Bderi.ed 0rom -e%%edyC kcraigdcMgmai&.com1 kca%adaMsa0eLmai&.%et1 ca%adatrideMsa0eLmai&.%et
I)5O,M !#E +O(I"E1 D O, YO', "O)9,ESSM) I5 "O)!"!ED 8Y !#ESE ",IMI)(S $
+(ESE DIS!,I8'!E !O O!#E,S$ MY VIDEOS W!"#$ M'S! (IS!E)$
or +ho%e BEN?C ;;OLPD<= ddress: +.O. 8oA EEP Say.i&&e1 )Y ??;O< 9OO9(E YO' !'8E 6-EVI) ")D "OI)!E(+,O7
QWho wi&& the !homas :e00erso%;>=;?OD=?ONN=?N;?P?R
5I)D ,OOM 5O, !#IS SOMEW#E,E 9,E! S!'55
I)5O,M !#E +O(I"E1 D O, YO', "O)9,ESSM) I5 "O)!"!ED 8Y !#ESE ",IMI)(S $
+(ESE DIS!,I8'!E !O O!#E,S$

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