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SP ic: Implementation Of International Agreements HSC Legal Studies WORLD ORDER Definition of “State” e “State” in an international setting and in international law is VERY different from common domestic usage. e Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States 1933, Article 1 defines a state as having a: 1. Permanent population 2. Defined territory (clear boundaries) 3. Capacity to enter into relations with other states (such as trade agreements and treaties) Under this definition MOST countries of the world are “states”, and sometimes to avoid confusion are referred to as “nation-states”. Given this definition, Australia is a “state” for international law purposes. Rights and Responsibilities of “States” e As a nation recognised at an international level, the state becomes known as an “international person” able to engage in relationships with other nation-states and to act in world affairs. e Right to sovereignty, therefore the right to be self- governing

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