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Career Plan

Amber Curry
123 happy street
Tuscaloosa al 25630
Career Field and Specific Jobs
Write a paragraph or two using complete sentences and correct English to explain the following:
I want to be manager. I selected this field because I could do a lot more. My ob is to be o!er a modeling
school. My opportunities are to help other girls become future models.

Specific Jobs in Chosen Field
Agent teacher manager
Certifications or !egrees "eeded
"pdated information is a!ailable at www.bls.go!#oco# $ccupational $utloo% &andboo%. 'esearch your career
choice to answer the (uestions below. )ou can copy and paste the *Training+ $ther ,ualifications and
-d!ancement. section from the handboo%+ but you must document it as a quote by changing text to italics and
giving credit by typing in parentheses as above.
#y "etwor$
%ist people who could be helpful with your &ob search' (nclude some of the following people:
The owners could helpme. The wor%ers could also help. The girls that attend could help also
Action Plan
Write a paragraph or two using complete sentences and correct English to explain the following:
I need to %now about how to bwcome a model. I need to ta%e classes before I start thisob so ill
%now how to handle it. I can get additional training at one of the schools. I already been enrolled I
ust nbeed to go bac%. I plan to be certified in this ob before I start. I plan to ha!e been a great
manager and my girls learned aot. My future career goals are to be good at it and wor% hard.

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