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Student Name:

Grade Level:
Disability Classification:

Summarize the Findings of the IEP Review

This review is an assessment of the IEP, not the student

1) Review the following sections of the IEP:
Present Levels of Performance (PLoP)
Annual Goals
Recommended Special Education Programs and Services
Testing Accommodations
Promotional Criteria.

2) Consider these questions while responding to the prompts below:
As a minimum, are achievement in reading and math considered in the PLoP?
What data sources are cited as the basis for the PLoP?
Are the voices of all stakeholders (student, parent, service providers) evident in the PLoP?
Is justification for all Goals, Services, Accommodations, and Promotional Criteria clear in the PLoP
Is the IEP written in a manner that is accessible to all stakeholders?

Identify 3 significant strengths of this IEP

Identify 3 substantial issues with the IEP?

After reviewing the IEP, questions do you have about the child? What information do you want to know?

What techniques can be taken from this IEP and used to improve all IEPs at LMC?

What areas of support might assist the IEP team in improving this particular IEP?

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