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Jonaton: The younger brother of the Duke of Saxony, is the count of Wismar: Ian
Joeri: The older brother of Jonaton and Marius, recently inherited the Duchy of Saxony
Marius: The Baron of Louveit castle, the younger brother of Jonaton, is the Marshal of Saxony:
Fleyn: Chieftain of Alvice castle, is follower of Norse religion, and has thirst for revenge against
Joeri: Brian
Act I, Scene I

You said wed have Joeri dead for before father
I know what I said, Fathers death was quick and unexpected, Typhus kills the young and old
quick, and no one saw his death coming so soon.
Well what do we do now? Simply killing Joeri wont work anymore, his three sons will inherit,
and theyre worse choices than their father.
I know . . .
(Takes second to think)
Why dont we land myself on the throne, with force? If we gather enough military, political, and
common support, we can force it on him, he will have no options but to submit.
Yes yes, but how, realize our position, we own nothing more than a feeble village and an
abandoned castle, we could gather all the common support possible, but with his military, all
who oppose would be killed . . . it cannot be possibly be done.

Yes it can
How??? What do you possibly propose?
Patience dear brother, something you seem to struggle with, we wait.
For what?!?
For a war. The border tensions in the west with France are explosive, conflict could arise at any
moment, and our Emperor will need every available soldier he can get ahold of, and there will be
heavy conflict, no doubt, so while Joeri will be gone fighting some superiority war, we will be
here, gathering strength without fear of him noticing, and when he comes back, with a
demoralized army and heavily exhausted psyche (Si-key) we will make a move on his throne, but
until then, we must stay here, be patient, and gather strength.
What you say is true, I think we must act upon this planned
(Noon bells ring)
The bells that strike noon! I must be off for my castle for I musnt be late, we need to think upon
this more, but in the meantime, make steps toward military support, I must be off, farewell
(Waves, Joeri exits)
Military support, I am a political underdog, no one will listen to me, except, if they have more to
gain than political intrigue, if I can bribe them with something more, something personal,
Like . . . revenge. Fleyn of the farthest north province can care for nothing more than his own
revenge against the one who imprisoned for last 7 years, prisoned by none other than my brother
Joeri. One thing a Norse can resist more than battle, is his own revenge, thats where I shall
embark to.
Act I, Scene II
(Jonaton steps down from horse and walks toward castle)
(To himelf)
Behind these rotted wooden walls there lies nothing more than pathetic street brawls and worship
of the heathen gods, this, castle, is nothing more than a glorified barbaric camp. Although, I
think this place deserves more credit, the men they produce are willing to die for a cause they
believe in, which is why I hold them so valuable, I need this kind of support
(Walks into castle main room)
(In a roar)
Who intrudes on my presence?!?!
I, count Jonaton of Wismar, I have come here to . . .
(Blunt interruption)
Wismar?!?! Of the south??? . . . Joeri mustve sent you to Improve diplomatic relations
With me and the Chiefs of my castle, how has he found out Ive been recruiting you filthy
spy?!?!? He wants my Huscarls for the upcoming war doesnt he? HOW DARE HE! He locks
me in a dungeon for 7 years and then he expects me to mold to his demands?!? NO! For I am of
true Saxon blood, HE SHOULD LEARN TO FEAR ME!
DONT INTERRUPT ME BOY!!! Now before I have my guards string you up in the center
square for all to see, I say you leave me and report to Joeri that not a single levy of mine shall
fall into his possession, now do you hear me Count Jonaton???

Sir, if I may intrude your right to speak, you have me mistaken, for I am not friendly toward my
brother, nor do I waste my time meddling in diplomatic affairs, Ive come all the way from
Wismar to offer you a propostion.
Speak further
Ive come here to invite you to a plot, one you shall find intriguing
Speak on your plot
I plan to overthrow my brother and land myself on the throne of which he sits, but in order to
obtain this, I must gain some political and military ground through support from powers such as
What possible gains will trickle down toward me if you land yourself as Duke?
For you, other than the entitlement of my personal right flank, I will grant you the rights to your
thirst of revenge against my brother, something I know you desire. That is, if you support me.
We may have an agreement, but what will you require of me exactly?
A full right to military access of your power, I need your valiant soldiers to hold the loyal
northern vassals away from central Saxony while I make moves toward the capital and solidify
my claim on the throne.
I think with that said, I accept, and stand by you loyally until the end, that is, on one occasion

Such as?
Your brother, if captured alive, I want him brought to me, is shall lock him away like he did
myself, but he will never gain the satisfaction of being released.
It will be so, well I must be off, I am held to meet my brother Marius at his castle to convene on
our matters, I bid you farewell

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