Weather Lesson Plan

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Georgia Southwestern State University

Lesson Plan Guidelines

Early Childhood Department

Sections I and II address factors which influence lesson planning. Section III describes the interactive presentation of lesson content. Section IV
is the closing/summarizing of the lesson.

Section 1 Information that influences lesson content. For example: Basic information about the teacher candidate, placement, and
standard(s) to be covered.
Name Lauren Smith
Subject Area Science
Grade Level 1
S1E1: Students will observe, measure, and
communicate weather data to see patterns in
weather and climate.

Section 2 A description of the learning objective, means of assessment, plans for differentiation, and materials necessary for teaching the
Essential Question or I Can Statement
I can identify seasons and their weather patterns.
Lesson Objective
The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize students
with the four seasons and the different types of
weather that each season brings.
After the lesson, students will give an oral
presentation in groups about a particular season
and the types of weather that occur within that
a. Intervention
b. Enrichment
Differentiation Questions
Lower level Bloom: What was our lesson about?
(Low student)
Lower Level Bloom: Tell me one thing you learned
about weather. (Low to Middle student)
Higher Level Bloom: How does the information
about weather relate to your life? (Middle to High
Construction paper

Section 3 (opening/work session)
Opening to include the following elements: (These components may be combined, depending on lesson content. This section should
be brief but thorough.)

Gain attention I will clap a series of claps, and students will copy.
State behavior expectations
I expect students to remain in their seats unless
otherwise instructed. I would also like for students
to raise their hands for any comments, questions,
or concerns.
Prior Knowledge Students know that weather is all around them.
Lesson Objective
Student will become familiar with the seasons and
the different types of weather that occur within
each season.

Work Session (These components involve clear presentation of the lesson objective, followed by practice, using gradual release of
responsibility (scaffolding of instruction). Differentiation of the lesson presentation and/or practice activities should be indicated.

Instruction To begin the lesson, we will view a short video to
introduce weather. After they watch the video we
will have a class discussion about types of
weather. Students will be able to contribute any
information they have about weather. Next we will
view a website where students will be able to
explore types of weather in the seasons they
Guided Instruction After exploring BrainPop Jr., we will create a
foldable to describe the different types of weather
and their characteristics.
Independent Practice To show mastery of the concept, students will be
placed into four groups. These groups will be
responsible for describing the weather that occurs
within the season they are given. An oral
presentation will be given where students can use
technology, props, or role play to get their ideas

Section 4 Summarizer This section provides a summary of the days lesson, as well as connecting the lesson to future learning.
Review The four seasons are Winter, Fall, Spring, and
Summer. Each season brings different types of
weather such as sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, or
Preview Tomorrow we will discuss the instruments that are
used to measure weather.

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