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Caro Villagmez

Mr. Becker
To Snowflake
Tiny with beautiful white fur
Hop, hop, hop, being so cute
Your short life, was like a blur
But to forget you, I refuse.
I was just a little kid,
When you became part of the family
On your little head, I gave you a kiss
Then, we shared adventures happily
Time passed and you were not small anymore
You ate a lot
One day, as I left home
Something happened. You were hopping no more
Later I got home, excited to see you again
You were in your bed, silent, and sleeping
You were not moving, my happiness fade away
Night took over the light, and I went to my bed weeping
You had eaten too much, you didnt know
My lovely fluffy snowflake
It was not your fault,
But in my heart, you left and ache.

I will always remember you
You made me so happy
I will always love you
Now, in heaven, you hop happy.

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