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Practice Problems from PowerPoint: Given in Introduction task of lesson.

Students will
write their responses to these questions on individual white-boards. (Self Created)
Sample Fraction Flag: Explore task in lesson. The students will be assessed on their
ags. Each group will give an oral presentation and describe the fractions in their ag to
the rest of the class. (Self Created)
Lesson 1 Assessments
Discussion Questions: Asked throughout the learning segment. Students will be
informally assessed based on their responses to the following questions. (Self Created)
1) How did your group decide on how to design your fraction ag?
2) What number will represent the denominator on your ag?
3) What numbers represent the numerator on your ag?
4) What other objects can you think of that can be described as a fraction?
Exit Task Card: Given in Summarize task of lesson. This will briey assess students
understanding of the learning target and provide them with the opportunity to check their
understanding of the learning target. (Self Created)
Name _______________________
If I have 8 slices of pizza and I
give 3 slices to a friend. What
fraction of the pizza is left?
I Have Who Has Game: Introduce task in lesson. Students will be assessed on their
ability to recognize and classify fractions from the pictures. Note: this is a sample of I
Have Who Has cards - there is a total of 24 cards, see task 1C. (Self Created)
Discussion Questions: Introduce task in lesson. Students will be shown pictures and
objects under a document camera to illustrate fractions of a set. For example in the
following illustration I show students pictures of eleven marbles and ask them to identify
what fraction of the marbles are blue, red, and yellow. These types of sample problems
will allow me to hear student voice and assess their overall understanding of the
learning target. Note: there are other pictures and materials that will be shown during
this learning segment, this is just one example shown. (Self Created - used internet clip
art sources)
Lesson 2 Assessments
Fun Fractions with M&Ms Worksheet: Explore task in lesson. Students will be
assessed informally as we work through this worksheet as a class and I will assess
students formally by grading their individual responses to this assignment. (Source: Fun
Fractions with M&Ms by Felisa Williams is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License) Please see the following two pages to view
the assignment.
Exit Task Card: Summarize task in lesson. This will briey assess students
understanding of the learning target and provide them with the opportunity to check their
understanding of the learning target. (Self Created)
Name _______________________
A) What fraction represent the
number of blueberry muffins?

B) What fraction represents the
number of poppyseed muffins?
A) __________ B) __________
Task Cards: Explore task in lesson. Students will be informally assessed when
completing these task cards in class. Each student will be provided with counters to
help answer each task card if needed. For example in Task Card 1, students will have
24 counters and sort them into two groups to determine how many stickers April took to
school. Note: there is a total of ten task cards this is just one of the cards that will be
shown during the learning segment. (Self Created)
Task Card 1
April has 24 cat stickers. She took 1/2 of the stickers to
school. How many stickers did she take to school? _______
Lesson 3 Assessments
Fraction Avenue Worksheet: Summarize task in lesson. Students will be assessed on
their ability to apply the learned knowledge from the previous activities in the lesson. As
students work through this worksheet I will observe their ability to apply previously
learned knowledge. In addition I will formally assess each student by grading their
completed Fraction Avenue worksheet. (Source:
Fraction map provided to students to ll out the information shown above.
Below is a completed sample of the worksheet along with the authors information who
designed this assessment.
Formal Assessment of Learning Segment: Summarize task in lesson. This
assessment will reect students knowledge and understanding of this fraction unit.
Questions will be asked from each of the three learning segments to assess students
knowledge, deep understanding, and ability to apply learned knowledge. This
assessment consists of 10 short answer questions and two short answer questions.
(Self Created)
Short answer questions for Formal Assessment of Learning Segment
Student Self-Reection: Summarize task in lesson. This assessment will help students
learn by reecting on their thinking process and overall understanding of this fraction
unit. Students are asked to rank their understanding of the learning target from each
lesson segment on a one to ve scale. This self-reection will be used to assess
students perception of their knowledge and understanding. (Self Created)

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