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Solon opposes plan to increase SSS and PhilHealth contributions

A lawmaker has called for a congressional inquiry into the plan of the Social Security
System (SSS) and the Philippine Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) to increase the monthly
contributions of its members
!ep "erry !idon (Party#list$ %abataan)$ author of House !esolution &&&$ said the plan
of the SSS and PhilHealth to increase the contribution rates endangers the rights and welfare
of 'ilipino workers
("he premium contribution hikes of SSS and PhilHealth will definitely add to the
burden of 'ilipino workers and come at a time when the prices of basic prices of commodities
and utilities are also on the rise$) !idon said
!idon disputed the claim of the officials of SSS and PhilHealth that they are growing
bankrupt noting the fact that the e*ecuti+es of both agencies ha+e recei+ed huge bonuses in
!idon said SSS ga+e out a total of P,&/ million to bonuses to its commissioners and
e*ecuti+es while PhilHealth also ga+e a whooping P.0 billion in unaccounted bonuses to its
1n April .2$ ,-.3$ the SSS issued !esolution ,/,$ which appro+ed an increase in
contribution from the pre+ious .-4 percent of the monthly salary credit to .. percent and the
monthly salary credit from P.5$--- to P./$--- President Aquino appro+ed the increase in
contribution on September .2$ ,-.3
!idon said that under an SSS circular$ the employers and employees should equally
shoulder the si* percent increase in SSS contributions
!idon said the SSS assets were estimated to be about P 3/0 billion while its net income
has also grown steadily$ from P,5,5 billion in ,-.. to P3/, billion in ,-.,
!idon said PhilHealth would also collect a ,5 percent increase from its members
6nder the new contribution scheme of PhilHealth$ members with a monthly salary of
P,5$--- and below will now pay a premium rate of P,$4-- annually Salaried members
earning less than P2$--- per month will now pay P,-- per month
(7espite the go+ernment8s hea+y in+estment in PhilHealth and the higher contribution
rates set to be implemented$ PhilHealth has not assured its members that they will be
safeguarded from out#of pocket cost when the a+ail of medical care in hospitals$) !idon said
(3-) mrs
NR # 3481B
MAY 29, 2014

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