Section 16

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Section 16 Homework Due - March 23rd

Qing Ming - March 28th - April 6th

Midterm Exams (In Class) - April 10th
Presentation - April 14th
I will time your slide, transitions, overall presentation length
I will check your handout, and PowerPoint document setup
Section 16 Notes
I will go over some activities with you
Its "presentation software," not PowerPoint

Rules of Presentation
Presentations must be consistent
o Slide Design
Don't jump from square pictures to round pictures to star pictures
each design should have the same color scheme - a common set of about
6 primary colors
Each slide should have the same template
A template is a set of design rules you use, such as textbox size/location, picture
size/shape/location, title/subtitle rules, etc.
o Font size, style color
o slide transitions - choose a transition style and keep it
o slide animations - choose an animation style and keep it

Master Slide
a master slide is similar to a template. Master slides are used to help ensure consistency from
slide to slide in a presentation.

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