Assignment No 2

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Semester Spring 2014
Management Accounting (ACC-7!"
Assignment No. 2
Please read the following Instructions carefully before attempting the assignment solution.
# eadline for submission of Assignment is April 0!" 2014 at 4#00 pm.
# $his is a group assignment. Students will wor% in a group of two &2' members.
# T$e%e &i'' (e Vi)a Voce *o% t$e e)a'uation o* eac$ +tu,ent *o% t$i+ a++ignment-
# C$eating o% co./ing o* a++ignment i+ +t%ict'/ .%o$i(ite,0 No c%e,it &i'' (e gi)en to, a++ignment-
# You can con+u't t$e conce%ne, c$a.te%+ *%om %ecommen,e, (oo1+ an, %e'ate, on'ine mate%ia'+- 2o&e)e%3 1ee.
in min, ,o not *o%get to gi)e %e*e%ence note in +uc$ ca+e (ecau+e it &i'' (e t%eate, a+ co./ing an, c$eating-
# Rea, 4ue+tion ca%e*u''/ an, an+&e% e)e%/ .oint3 /ou a%e %e4ui%e, to e5.'ain.
# S$o& &o%1ing &$e%e nece++a%/-
# Negati)e ma%1ing &i'' (e ,one *o%, a++ignment+ an, i%%e'e)ant ,etai'+-
# Ma1e +u%e t$at /ou +u(mit t$e A++ignment (e*o%e ,ue ,ate- No a++ignment &i'' (e acce.te, a*te% t$e ,ue ,ate-
# Tota' ma%1+ a)ai'a('e a%e 6-
Stu,/ t$e gi)en ca+e o* Sa'em Te'e.$one an, an+&e% t$e 4ue+tion+ gi)en in t$e

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