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Lauren Chmara

I used a few of the websites that Ms. Semple suggested on Haiku. The
most useful website was, which provided information on
Sao Paulos history. I also used Google to supplement my research. I
reviewed many websites and websites with unimportant information were
discarded. I found really interesting information especially on the FIFA
World Cup. The most intriguing was
cup-brazil/sao-paulo. The majority of my pictures also came from Google
searches. I created notecards to summarize important information and
recorded main ideas so I could later add the information to my website.
My biggest roadblock was determining which websites were factual.

I am not a technologically advanced person, so creating a website
proved to be a challenge. I knew from the beginning my website should
be easy to understand because I knew I have trouble reading
unorganized websites. I decided to keep the same basic color scheme
throughout the website and chose to add at least one picture to each
page. I selected grey as my text color and a simple font to make the
website legible. I included six different pages to better organize the
information. I used straightforward titles that stood out from the detailed
information and I selected pictures that were loud and exciting to draw
readers in. Although it took a while, I figured out how to use Weebly, and
learned how to create a basic website.

Sao Paulo is a diverse and complex city that has, over the past 100 years,
transformed southeast Brazil into a financial and industrial center for South
America. Due to its proximity to coffee production on the plateaus of the
Brazilian Highlands and its location along the Atlantic Ocean, the city
became the center of one of the largest coffee producing regions in the
world and attracted immigrants from Portugal, Spain, Italy and Japan
who worked the coffee trade and transformed the city from a small
sleepy city into an international megacity with world-class dining, art and
culture. The development of Sao Paulo, from the early days of the
Bandierantes and the exploitation of the land and natives, to the
discovery of gold and growth of sugarcane just prior to the coffee boon in
the 1900s and then the industrialization in the 20th century has clearly
transformed the site, or physical location, of the region. Land has been
cleared and developed and the population grew to inhabit more land. A
large issue resulting from this is pollution. Sao Paulo is a very polluted city.

The situation of Sao Paulo or the economic, social, and political
characteristics have also been transformed. Primarily due to the coffee
Lauren Chmara

trade, immigrants from all over the world came to Sao Paulo and
contributed their culture and customs of the city. The industries in Sao
Paulo ranging from farming to finance have created different economic
classes, which sometimes lead to political disagreements. Right now, the
ruling political party is leftist liberals who favor the working class and are
not highly regarded by the wealthy.

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