Bộ Đề Writing Task 2 Tháng 1-4 Năm 2013

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B Writing Task 2 thng 1-4 nm 2013 ti BC/ IDP

1. The best way to government to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public
transport 24h a day 7 day week.
Do you agree or disagree?

2. Children are expected to spend a lot of time studying both in and after school and
have a little time to relax.
Does this have positive and negative effects on children and our society?

3. Should present be encouraged to take part in training course?

4. It has been that people who read for pleasure have developed imaginations and gain
better language skills than people who prefer watching TV.
Do you agree or disagree?

5. Watching TV has bad influence on children in every way. Some people think it is
good for children s growth.
Discuss both sides of this issue and give your own opinion

6. Today, in many country, fewer and fewer students study science subjects.
What are the causes and effects of this problem?

7. Many universities and colleges learn through sort of distance learning using internet
than face to face in the classroom.
Do you think advantages of this development outweigh disadvantages?

8. Some people think college or university is the best way to get successful career.
Others claim that people should leave school to get a job and experience it.

9. Many people think that they have enjoyed great technological progress. Others think
that this progress has negatively affected people s lives.
Do you agree or disagree?

10. Which area that witnesses the most significant development and which area that
witnesses the least significant development and needs changing?

11. As countries develop, their population starts to live individually or the very small
family units. In your opinion, why is this and what are the effects on society?

12. Some people think that it is better for older schoolchildren study a large number of
subjects and develop a range of knowledge. Others argue that they should study a
smaller number of subjects and focus in details.
Discuss both views and give your opinion?

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