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Modal Verbs

All the auxiliary verbs except be, do and have are called modals. Unlike other auxiliary verbs
modals only exist in their helping form; they cannot act alone as the main verb in a sentence.
Be, do, and have also differ from the other auxiliaries in that they can also serve as ordinary verbs in a
given sentence.
The modal verbs are:
Modal Example Uses
Can They can control their o!n budgets.
"e can#t fix it.
$an % smoke here&
$an you help me&
Ability ' (ossibility
%nability ' %mpossibility
Asking for permission
Could $ould % borro! your dictionary&
$ould you say it again more slo!ly&
"e could try to fix it ourselves.
% think !e could have another +ulf "ar.
,e gave up his old -ob so he could !ork for us.
Asking for permission.
/uture possibility
Ability in the past
May 0ay % have another cup of coffee&
$hina may become a ma-or economic po!er.
Asking for permission
/uture possibility
Might "e1d better phone tomorro!, they might be eating their
dinner no!.
They might give us a 234 discount.
(resent possibility
/uture possibility
Must "e must say goodbye no!.
They mustn#t disrupt the !ork more than necessary.
5ecessity ' 6bligation
Ought to "e ought to employ a professional !riter. .aying !hat#s right or correct
Shall .hall % help you !ith your luggage& 6ffer
common in
the UK than
the US)
.hall !e say 7.83 then&
.hall % do that or !ill you& .uggestion
Asking !hat to do
Should "e should sort out this problem at once.
% think !e should check everything again.
(rofits should increase next year.
.aying !hat#s right or correct
)ecommending action
Uncertain prediction
Will % can#t see any taxis so %#ll !alk.
%1ll do that for you if you like.
%#ll get back to you first thing on 0onday.
(rofits !ill increase next year.
%nstant decisions
$ertain prediction
Would "ould you mind if % brought a colleague !ith me&
"ould you pass the salt please&
"ould you mind !aiting a moment&
9"ould three o:clock suit you&9 9That#d be fine.9
"ould you like to play golf this /riday&
9"ould you prefer tea or coffee&9 9%#d like tea please.9
Asking for permission
0aking arrangements
;5ote The modal auxiliary verbs are alays follo!ed by the base form.
The verb used to, !hich is explained here, can also be used like a modal verb.

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