Cape Range National Park

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Region: Pilbara
Where is it?:
Lying predominantly on the
western side of North-West
Cape Peninsula, Cape
Range National Park
protects an area of 5 5!"
hectares# $he northern boundary of the park is %& kilometres from
'(mouth by road, and the southern boundary is ) kilometres north
of Coral *ay#
What to See and Do:
+eep rocky gorges, ancient ri,ers,
pristine coastlines, rock wallabies,
ca,es - tunnells, bird life,
kangaroos, emus, Walking,
photography, nature obser,ation,
birdwatching, picnicking, camping,
canoeing and wildlife watching# With
swimming, snorkelling and di,ing in
the ad.acent Ningaloo /arine Park#
$here are a number of
camping areas all along
the stunning, white sandy
coast, from *oat 0arbour
to Ned1s Camp# 'ntry fees apply# 2ome areas are for day use only
3see map4# $here are also picnic facilities and toilets at many sites#
No campfires are allowed in the park - gas barbecues only#
'(mouth and Coral *ay are fully ser,iced#
Safety Information:
When walking in the park
wear a wide-brimmed hat,
sunscreen with a sun
protection factor of "55
and sturdy walking shoes
and take plenty of drinking water with you 36 litres per person per
day4 as there is no water a,ailable in the range# $emperatures may
be decepti,ely high, especially in the canyons# We ad,ise you not
to undertake the walks in summer# 7or your own safety please
remain on e(isting tracks#
rock wallabies, red
kangaroo, turtles, euros,
eighty species of reptiles,
and o,er one hundred
species of birds on the
mangro,es, acadia,
cossia, spinife( species,
minilya lily, gre,illea
eucalyptus, and

Mangrove Bay
8t /angro,e *ay there is
a fauna hide# 9f you are
:uiet there is a good
chance you may see
kangaroos, galahs, emus,
cockatoos and corellas at
close :uarters#
Yardie Cree
$ake a walk on the
northern side of the gorge
and try not to disturb the
black-footed rock-
wallabies# Look closely
and you may be able to
spot these animals as they seek shelter on ledges along the
southern cliff face, where they await e,ening before coming out to
Mandu Mandu !orge
Northern ridge of /andu /andu ;orge offers splendid panoramic
,iews of the gorge car,ed by an ancient ri,er# 8 ,ariety of birds can
be seen from the trail, which is marked by numbered metal posts
with arrows on top, the last finishing in the gorge bed#

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