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Cur Lconomy 1erm 2, Week 8 (1uesday) 20

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@"A#'/4//" <--"/44 #' )<4(BC/"5:'/ #" 5,/ B(D: Lhe sLudenL musL compleLe Lhe
lllness/mlsadvenLure appllcaLlon form on hls !"#$% '() *(+, (% $+-../. Pe musL also be prepared Lo
underLake Lhe assessmenL Lask on hls !"#$% '() *(+, (% $+-../. Pe wlll be lnformed of Lhe resulL of
hls appllcaLlon when lL has been processed.
!"#E" (>4/"+/ F'<#' 5# 5,/ B:/ B(5/: Lhe sLudenL musL apply for deLermlnaLlon/exLenslon as
soon as posslble *0!.#0 Lhe orlglnal due daLe of Lask. lf lL has been granLed, Lhe Lask wlll be
underLaken on Lhe new due daLe wlLhouL penalLy.

G:5+#)/4 344/44/B

analyses key facLors affecLlng commerclal and legal declslons
evaluaLe opLlons for solvlng commerclal and legal problems and lssues
monlLors and modlfles Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of plans deslgned Lo solve commerclal and
legal problems and lssues
explalns commerclal and legal lnformaLlon uslng a varleLy of forms

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ln order Lo compleLe Lhls Lask you wlll need Lo:
8efer Lo your classwork and homework on moneLary and flscal pollcy, as well as all concepLs
and conLenL addressed ln Lhe 'Cur Lconomy' Loplc.
8eflecL on lnformaLlon and dlscusslons underLaken ln class
8eflecL on exLernal research conducLed on moneLary and flscal pollcy

Cn 1uesday Lhe 17
of !une (Week 8) durlng your normal Commerce lesson, you wlll wrlLe an ln-
class economlcs essay ln response Lo an unseen quesLlon. 1he quesLlon wlll requlre you Lo apply
your knowledge and undersLandlng of !"#$%&'( &#* +,-.&/ 0"/,.( Lo an aspecL/concepL of Lhe 'Cur
Lconomy' Loplc. ?ou wlll be allocaLed 1 !,#2%$- readlng & plannlng Llme, wlLh wrlLlng Llme
conslsLlng of 31 !,#2%$-. SLudenLs are noL able Lo refer Lo any noLes or maLerlals durlng Lhe
assessmenL Lask.

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