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Team effectiveness checklist

Each team member completes the scoring individually. Scores can then be collated
anonymously or openly on a flip chart.
Overall scores reveal
how much consensus or variance there is for each statement
the teams view of their biggest strengths and areas for development
There are no right or wrong answers. The idea is to use the results to start a discussion.
How far do you agree with the statements made below?
Mar each statement on a scale of ! "disagree strongly# to !$ "agree strongly#.
1. We have mutually agreed and understood aims and objectives
! % & ' ( ) * + , !$
2. We have well balanced roles that complement each other
! % & ' ( ) * + , !$
3. We have good decision making processes information systems and co!ordinate
! % & ' ( ) * + , !$
". We have productive meetings and good communication within the team and the
! % & ' ( ) * + , !$
#. There is positive team leadership
! % & ' ( ) * + , !$
$. There is a high level of support and trust
! % & ' ( ) * + , !$
%. &eople e'press themselves openly and honestly and deal with difficult situations
! % & ' ( ) * + , !$
(. Team members work together co!operatively
! % & ' ( ) * + , !$
). There is scope for individual learning and development
! % & ' ( ) * + , !$
1*. +elations with other groups are sound.
! % & ' ( ) * + , !$

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