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1. Determination of Breakdown strength of oi !" Varia!e Distan#e Ee#trodes.

$. %ii Vot Dro& Test '(ai!ration of Tong)tester*.
+. Breakdown #hara#teristi#s of ,&here air ga&.
-. Breakdown #hara#teristi#s of .ane Rod ga&.
/. Breakdown Votage of &in Ins0ator 1 %eas0rement of Leakage (0rrent.
2. %eas0rement of Leakage #0rrent 1 Breakdown 3otage of ,0s&ension Ins0ators.
4. Votage Distri!0tion of ,tring Ins0ators.
5. %eas0rement of Leakage #0rrent 1 Ins0ation resistan#e of .o" &ro&"ene Ro&e.
6. %eas0rement of Leakage #0rrent 1 Ins0ation resistan#e of .o" &ro&"ene ,#ae.
17. 8a0t ana"sis of +)&hase Aternator.

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