13 - 1 - 1 - 1.2014 Advertisement For ONLINE - Steno-Clerk

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BAYS NO. 67-70, SECTOR-2, PANCHKULA-134151

(!"#$%!& '''.(##).*+,.$-.
A/,%. N+. 0102014 12%! +3 45"6$)2%$+-& 17.01.2014
C6+#$-* /2%! 3+8 8!)!$4% +3 +-6$-! 2446$)2%$+-# 17.02.2014
C6+#$-* /2%! 3+8 /!4+#$% +3 3!! 21.02.2014
Online applications are invited for recruitment of the under mentioned categories of posts
using the website '''.(##).*+,.$- +8 +-6$-!(##).$-. The online application can be filled upto
19.02.2014 till 5:00 p.m. after which the lin will be disabled. The candidates are strongl! advised to appl!
online well in time without waiting for last date of submission of online application. The printed cop! of the
online form with necessar! certificate will be brought at the time of verification"scrutin!#cum#interview. $o
offline application form or cop! of downloaded application form will be accepted b! the office. %ualifications"
eligibilit! conditions& age and certificates will be determined with regard to last date fi'ed to appl! online
receipt of applications also called as closing date i.e. 19.02.2014 given in the advertisement. The details of
posts are as under: #
C2%. N+. 1 67<3 4+#%# +3 C6!8=#
()en*151+& ,-*1145& .-/*091& .-.*509& ,.-*+15& 2.3)*+10& 2,4#
)en*405& 2,4#,-*1+1& 2,4#.-/*155& 2,4#.-.*210& O,3#)en*51& O,3#
,-*5+& O,3#.-/*++& O,3#.-.*11& 36- (Ortho7#2.3)*5& 36-
(Ortho7#)en*11& 36- (Ortho7#,-*4& 36- (Ortho7#.-/*5& 36- (Ortho7#.-.*+&
36-#(6earing 8mpaired7#2.3)*21& 36- (6earing 8mpaired7#)en*10& 36- (6earing
8mpaired7#,-*00& 36- (6earing 8mpaired7#.-/*00& 36- (6earing 8mpaired7#
.-.*01& 36- (.lind 9 :ow ;ision7#)en*41& 36- (.lind 9 :ow ;ision7#
,-*00& 36- (.lind 9 :ow ;ision7#.-/*02& 36- (.lind 9 :ow ;ision7#
.-.*02& 36- (:ocomotor7#)en*10& 36- (:ocomotor7#.-/*04& 36-
(:ocomotor7#.-.*01& 36- (<eaf 9 <umb7#)en*0+& 36- (<eaf 9 <umb7#.-.*017

2.%. i7 10=2"10=2 >irst <ivision")raduation or its e?uivalent from a recogni@ed
ii7 6indi",ansrit upto 4atric ,tandard.
/ge: 15#40
3a! ,cale: B 5200#20200=B 1900 )3
C2%. N+. 2 277 4+#%# +3 S%!-+-%>4$#% (H$-/$.
()en*01& ,-*45& .-/*14& .-.*21& ,.-*24& 2.3)*20& 2,4#)en*25&
2,4#,-*+& 2,4#.-/*+& 2,4#.-.*5& O,3#)en*1& O,3#,-*2& O,3#
.-/*1& O,3#.-.*1& 36- (Ortho7#2.3)*1& 36- (Ortho7#)en*4& 36-
(Ortho7#,-*2& 36- (Ortho7#.-/*2& 36- (Ortho7#.-.*1& 36- (<eaf 9
2.%. i7 10=2"10=2 1
<ivision")raduation or its e?uivalent from a
recogni@ed board"universit!.
ii7 6indi ,horthand at a speed of +4 words per minute and
transcription at a speed of 11 words per minute and
mistaes should not e'ceed 0C.
iii7 6indi",ansrit upto 4atric ,tandard.
/ge: 15#40
3a! ,cale: B 5200#20200=B 1900 )3 =B 100 ,pecial pa!
Page 1 of 8
C2%. N+. 3. 347 4+#%# +3 S%!-+-%>4$#% (E-*6$#(.
()en*05& ,-*51& .-/*19& .-.*25& ,.-*15& 2.3)*14&
2,4#)en*25& 2,4#,-*11& 2,4#.-/*0& 2,4#.-.*11& O,3#)en*2& O,3#
,-*1& O,3#.-/*2& O,3#.-.*1& 36- (Ortho7#2.3)*1& 36- (Ortho7#
)en*1& 36- (6earing 8mpairment7#2.3)*2& 36- (6earing 8mpairment7#
)en*1& 36- (.lind 9 :ow vision7#)en*1& 36- (.lind 9 :ow ;ision7#,-*17
2.%. i7 10=2"10=2 1
<ivision ")raduation or its e?uivalent from a
recogni@ed board"universit!.
ii7 2nglish ,horthand at a speed of 00 words per minute and
transcription at a speed of 15 words per minute and mistaes should not
e'ceed 0C.
iii7 6indi",ansrit upto 4atric ,tandard.
/ge: 15#40
3a! ,cale: B 5200#20200=B 1900 )3=B 100 ,pecial pa!.
C2%. N+. 4. 311 4+#%# +3 S%!-+-%>4$#% (B+%( L2-*52*!#.
()en*95& ,-*45& .-/*12& .-.*19& ,.-*25& 2.3)*14&
2,4# )en*25& 2,4#,-*5& 2,4#.-/*0& 2,4#.-.*5& O,3#,-*2&
O,3# .-/*1& 36- (Ortho7#)en*2& 36- (6earing 8mpairment7# 2.3)*1&
36- (.lind 9 :ow ;ision7#)en*4& 36- (.lind 9 :ow vision7#,-*17& 36-
:ocomotor -erebral 3als! )2$*17
2.%. i7 10=2"10=2 1
<ivision")raduation or its e?uivalent from a
recogni@ed board"universit!.
ii7 2nglish ,horthand at a speed of 00 words per minute and
transcription at a speed of 15 words per minute and mistaes
should not e'ceed 0C.
iii7 6indi ,horthand at a speed of +4 words per minute and
transcription at a speed of 11 words per minute and
mistaes should not e'ceed 0C.
iv7 6indi",ansrit upto 4atric ,tandard.
/ge: 15#40
3a! ,cale: B 5200#20200=B 1900 )3 =B 100 ,pecial pa!.
C2%. N+. 5. 23 4+#%# +3 ?5-$+8 S)26! S%!-+*824(!8 (E-*6$#(.
()en*5& ,-*2& .-/*2& .-.*1& ,.-*1& 2.3)*4& 2,4#)en*2&
2,4# .-/*1& O,3#,-*1& O,3#.-/*1& 36- (Ortho7#)en*17
2.%. i7 10=2"10=2 1
<ivision")raduation or its e?uivalent from a
recogni@ed board"universit!.
ii7 2nglish ,horthand at a speed of 100 words per minute and
transcription at a speed of 20 words per minute and mistaes should not
e'ceed 0C.
iii. 6indi",ansrit upto 4atric ,tandard.
/ge: 15#40
3a! ,cale: B 5200#20200=B 2400 )3
C2%. N+. 6. 12 4+#%# +3 ?5-$+8 S)26! S%!-+*824(!8 (H$-/$.
Page 2 of 8
()en*4& ,-*1& .-/*1& ,.-*1& 2,4#)en*1& 2,4#,-*1&
2.%. i7 10=2"10=2 1
<ivision")raduation or its e?uivalent from a
recogni@ed board"universit!.
ii7 6indi ,horthand at a speed of 00 words per minute and
transcription at a speed of 15 words per minute and
mistaes should not e'ceed 0C.
iii7 6indi",ansrit upto 4atric ,tandard.
/ge: 15#40
3a! ,cale: B 5200#20200=B 2400 )3
C2%. N+. 7. <5 4+#%# +3 ?5-$+8 S)26! S%!-+*824(!8 (B+%( L2-*52*!.
()en*15& ,-*1+& .-/*0& .-.*5& ,.-*5& 2.3)*9& 2,4#)en*5& 36-
(Ortho7#)en*1& 36- (.lind 9 :ow vision7#)en*17
2.%. i7 10=2"10=2 1
<ivision")raduation or its e?uivalent from a
recogni@ed board"universit!.
ii7 2nglish ,horthand at a speed of 100 words per minute and
transcription at a speed of 20 words per minute and mistaes
should not e'ceed 0C.
iii7 6indi ,horthand at a speed of 00 words per minute and
transcription at a speed of 15 words per minute and mistaes should not
e'ceed 0C
iv7 6indi",ansrit upto 4atric ,tandard.
/ge: 15#40
3a! ,cale: B 5200#20200=B 2400 )3
C2%. N+. <. 13 4+#%# +3 S!-$+8 S)26! S%!-+*824(!8 (E-*6$#(.
()en*4& ,-*2& .-/*1& .-.*2& 2,4#)en*2& O,3#.-/*1&
36- (6earing 8mpairment7#2.3)*17
2.%. i7 10=2"10=2 1
<ivision")raduation or its e?uivalent from a recogni@ed
ii7 2nglish ,horthand at a speed of 100 words per minute and transcription at a
speed of 20 words per minute and mistaes should not e'ceed 4C.
iii7 6indi",ansrit upto 4atric ,tandard.
/ge: 15#40
3a! ,cale: B 9100#14000=B 1200 )3
C2%. N+. 7. 2 4+#%# +3 S!-$+8 S)26! S%!-+*824(!8 (H$-/$.
()en*1& ,-*17
2.%. i7 10=2"10=2 1
<ivision")raduation or its e?uivalent from a
recogni@ed board"universit!.
ii7 6indi ,horthand at a speed of 00 words per minute and
transcription at a speed of 15 words per minute and mistaes
should not e'ceed 4C.
iii7 6indi",ansrit upto 4atric ,tandard.
/ge: 15#40
3a! ,cale: B 9100#14000=B 1200 )3
C2%. N+. 10. 54 4+#%# +3 S!-$+8 S)26! S%!-+*824(!8 (B+%( L2-*52*!.
Page 3 of 8
()en*24& ,-*5& .-/*4& .-.*1& ,.-*2& 2.3)*+& 2,4#)en*1& 2,4#
,-*1& 2,4#.-/*1& 2,4#.-.*1& O,3#,-*27
2.%. i7 10=2"10=2 1
<ivision")raduation or its e?uivalent from a
recogni@ed board"universit!.
ii7 2nglish ,horthand at a speed of 100 words per minute and
transcription at a speed of 20 words per minute and mistaes
should not e'ceed 4C.
iii7 6indi ,horthand at a speed of 00 words per minute and
transcription at a speed of 15 words per minute and mistaes should not
e'ceed 4C.
iv7 6indi",ansrit upto 4atric ,tandard.
/ge: 15#40
3a! ,cale: B 9100#14000=B 1200 )3
C2%. N+. 11 377 4+#%# +3 18$,!8# (L$*(% T82-#4+8% :!($)6!. 3+8 ,28$+5# 1!428%@!-%#0
B+28/#0C+84+82%$+-# +3 H28>2-2.
()en*122& ,-*+5& .-/*42& .-.*21& ,.-*2+& 2.3)*44&
2,4# )en*25& 2,4#,-*0&2,4#.-/*9& 2,4#.-.*5& O,3#)en*2&
O,3#,-*4& O,3# .-/*47

2.%. i7 4iddle" 4atric or its e?uivalent form recogni@ed .oard.
ii7 Dnowledge 6indi",ansrit upto 4iddle"4atric standard.
iii7 ;alid driving licence for :ight Transport ;ehicle (:T;7.
iv7 2"1"5 !ears e'perience of :ight Transport ;ehicle (:T;7.
A*! 17-40 >!28#
P2> S)26! R#. 5200-20200A2400 B82/! 42> ( P65# #4!)$26 42> 2# 2/@$##$"6! $-
8!#4!)%$,! /!428%@!-%0B+28/0C+84+82%$+-.

C2%. N+. 12 341 4+#%# +3 18$,!8# (H!2,> T82-#4+8% :!($)6!. 3+8 ,28$+5# 1!428%@!-%#0
B+28/#0C+84+82%$+-# +3 H28>2-2.
()en*100& ,-*51& .-/*19& .-.*24& ,.-*11& 2.3)*11&
2,4# )en*21& 2,4#,-*5& 2,4#.-/*10& 2,4#.-.*5& O,3#
)en*1& O,3#,-*1& O,3# .-/*1& O,3#.-.*17

2.%. i7 4iddle" 4atric or its e?uivalent form recogni@ed .oard.
ii7 Dnowledge 6indi",ansrit upto 4iddle"4atric standard.
iii7 ;alid driving licence for 6eav! Transport ;ehicle (6T;7.
iv7 2"1"5 !ears e'perience of 6eav! Transport ;ehicle (6T;7.
A*! 17-40 >!28#
P2> S)26! R#. 5200-20200A2400 B82/! 42> (P65# #4!)$26 42> 2/@$##$"6! $-
8!#4!)%$,! /!428%@!-%0B+28/0C+84+82%$+-.
C2%. N+. 13 13 4+#%# +3 T82)%+8 18$,!8# 3+8 U8"2- L+)26 B+/$!# 1!428%@!-% H28>2-2
()2$*5& ,-*1& .-/*1& .-.*1& ,.-*1& 2.3)*1& 2,4 )2$*17
Page 4 of 8
E.9. i7 4iddle with heav! or light vehicle <riving :icence&
ii7 Dnowledge of 6indi",ansrit upto 4iddle standard.
A*! 1<-40 >!28#
P2> S)26! C 5200-20200A2400 B82/! 42>.
C2%. N+. 14 4 4+#%# +3 T82)%+8 18$,!8# 3+8 H+8%$)56%58! 1!428%@!-% H28>2-2.
()2$*1& ,-*1& .-/*1& 2,4 )2$*17
E.9. i7 4iddle pass with 6indiE and
ii7 <riving :icence of heav! vehicle or tractor with three !ears e'perience of
driving a heav! transport vehicle or tractor.
iii7 Dnowledge of 6indi",ansrit upto 4iddle standard.
A*! 17-40 >!28#
P2> S)26! C 5200-20200AC 2400 B82/! 42>.
C2%. N+. 15 6 4+#%# +3 18$,!8# 3+8 R2D>2 S2$-$= B+28/ H28>2-2.
(2,4 ,-*1& 2,4 .-/*2& 2,4 .-.*17
E.9. i7 4iddle pass with 6indi or e?uivalent.
ii7 /n 2F#serviceman from driver trade below the ran of Gunior
-ommissioned Officer who should have passed -lass#8 driving test in the
iii7 ,hould hold -ivil <riving :icence.
iv7 Dnowledge of 6indi",ansrit upto 4iddle standard.
A*! 25-50 >!28#
P2> S)26! C 5200-20200A2400 *82/! 42> (P65# #4!)$26 42> 2# 2/@$##$"6! $- 8!#4!)%$,!
N+%!&- F+8 )2%!*+8> N+. 1 %+ 10 %(! #!6!)%!/ )2-/$/2%!# #(266 (2,! %+ E526$3> %(! S%2%! E6$*$"$6$%>
T!#% $- C+@45%!8 A448!)$2%$+- 2-/ A446$)2%$+-# (SETC. '$%($- %(! 48+"2%$+- 4!8$+/ +3
%'+ >!28# 2# 4!8 B+,%. $-#%85)%$+-# N+. 4201640200<-3BS-II, /2%!/ 11.11.2013
P8+)!/58!0 I-#%85)%$+-# 3+8 O-6$-! F$66$-* A446$)2%$+- F+8@&
S4!)$26 I-#%85)%$+-&
The prescribed essential ?ualification does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview. The commission ma!
short list the candidates for interview b! holding a written e'amination or on the basis of a rationale criterion to be
adopted b! the -ommission. The decision of the -ommission in all matters relating to acceptance or reHection of an
application& eligibilit!"suitabilit! of the candidates& mode of& and criteria for selection etc. will be final and binding on
the candidates. $o in?uir! or correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
B!-!826 I-#%85)%$+-#&
1. 3lease read the instructions and procedures carefull! before !ou start filling the Online /pplication >orm.
2. -andidates can appl! IO$#:8$2J through 6ar!ana ,taff ,election -ommission (6,,-7 website
http:""www.hssc.gov.in or online hssc.in w.e.f. 20.01.2014.
The candidate should suppl! all details while filling the Online >orm.
3. /fter appl!ing online !our registration no. and password will be generated.
4. Tae print out of the registration no. and password screen for future reference of !our application status and for
Keprinting of !our online filled application form and challan form.
5. /fter successful submission of application candidates can tae print out of application form and >ee challan.
Page 5 of 8
6. 3lease deposit the fee in all ,tate .an of 3atiala ban branches after 40 hour of filling online application and >ee
challan generation and within the date as indicated in .an challan.
7. The hard cop! along with re?uired documents will be brought at the time of verification"scrutin!#cum#interview.
<. >ees <etails :
-ategor! of post )eneral ,-".-",.-"2.3)
-andidates of 6ar!ana onl!
4ale">emale >emale of
4ale >emale
0 to 10 B150"# B55"# B15"# B10"#
1 to 5& 11 to 15 B100"# B50"# B25"# B11"#
3h!sicall! 6andicapped "2'#,erviceman of 6ar!ana $o -harges
7. The above mention fee should be deposited through online generated >ee challan in an! branch of ,tate .an of
3atiala within the date as mentioned in >ee -hallan.
N+%! & T($# A446$)2%$+- $# )+@42%$"6! '$%( B++*6! C(8+@!, M+F$662 3$8!3+G 17.0A 2-/ I-%!8-!% EG46+8!8 7.0A +-6>.
P6!2#! 5#! %(! 2"+,! @!-%$+-!/ "8+'#!8# %+ 2))!## %(! A446$)2%$+-.
R!62G2%$+- $- A*! & i7 8n the case of ,-".-",.- candidates& the upper age limit is rela'able as per
6ar!ana )ovt. instructions.
ii7 8n the case of 36- )eneral candidates the upper age limit is rela'able b! 10
!ears (15!ears for ,-s".-s7 as per 6ar!ana )overnment instructions $o.
22"50"2011#1),#888& dated 01.05.2012.
iii7 >or 2'#servicemen candidates rela'ation up to continuous 4ilitar! service added
b! three !ears is permissible.
iv7 The upper age limit in respect of widow& legall! separated woman& divorcee&
deserted woman and unmarried woman will be upto 45 !ears as per )overnment
v7 $o rela'ation in age permissible to 2.3) categor!.
R!#!8,2%$+- +3 4+#%#&- Keservation will be as per 6ar!ana )overnment 8nstructions.

Keservation for persons with disabilities will be as per 6ar!ana )ovt. instructions contained in letter $o.
22"10"2011#1),888& dated 20.02.2011.
i7 3ersons disabled from .lindness or :ow ;ision"3ersons disabled from 6earing 8mpairment" 3ersons
disabled from :ocomotor or -erebral 3als! would be eligible for reservation in services"posts who suffer
from not less than 40 per cent of relevant disabilit!.
F+8 1$#2"6!/ ESM01!4!-/!-% +3 K$66!/0 1$#2"6!/ $- 2)%$+- reservation will be as per 6ar!ana )ovt.
instructions contained in letter $o. 945#),#88 52"+451& dated the +
4arch& 1952.
The reservation for 2,4 will be utili@ed in the order given below:#
i7 <isabled e'#servicemen with disabilit! between 20C to 50C.
ii7 Ap to two dependents of ,ervice personnel illed"disabled be!ond 50C
iii7 Other e'#servicemen.
N+%!&-1. 1$#2"6!/ !G-#!8,$)!@!- '$66 @!2- !G-#!8,$)!@!- '(+, '($6! #!8,$-* $- %(! A8@!/
F+8)!# +3 %(! U-$+- '!8! /$#2"6!/ $- +4!82%$+-# 2*2$-#% %(! !-!@> +8 $- /$#%58"!/
N+%!&-2. T(! /!4!-/!-%# '$66 $-)65/! "!#$/!# '$3!0'$/+', /!4!-/!-% #+-#0/25*(%!8#.
The dependent sons of 2,4 who fulfill all conditions of ?ualifications& age etc. prescribed for
posts will be considered on merit for the posts reserved for 2,4 to the e'tent of non#availabilit! of suitable
2,4 candidates. The children and the grand#children of >reedom >ighters (<>>7 would be considered to
the e'tent as mentioned in 6ar!ana )ovt. letter $o. 22"20"01#1),888& dated 2+.5.1904 as amended from
time to time& if the ?uota reserved for 2'#servicemen& remains unfilled due to non#availabilit! of suitable 2'#
servicemen or their dependents.
2,4"<2,4 candidates of 6ar!ana claiming benefit will have to produce the fresh 2ligibilit!
-ertificate from the concerned Lila ,aini .oard at the time of interview. 4ere dependent certificate will not
be entertained. 2,4 candidates should also produce at the time of interview attested photo cop! of 8dentit!
-ard issued b! concerned Lila ,aini .oard 9 <ischarge .oo.
Page 6 of 8
i7 / person ma! be woring on an adhoc basis against the post advertised or somewhere else.
ii7 / person ma! be unemplo!ed at the time of maing the application but he ma! have other
source of income vi@. from agriculture& trade& propert!& .an .alance etc.
iii7 / person who is a member of the Hoint 6indu famil! and remains dependent upon the Darta
till there is partition in the famil! or he ceases to be a member of the Hoint 6indu
iv7 famil! and is obliged to pass on all his income to the Darta and he draws mone! for his
subsistence from the pool of the Hoint 6indu famil! with the consent of the Darta.
v7 / candidate who is a member of the Hoint 6indu famil! is emplo!ed on adhoc basis but he is
otherwise dependent on his father.
N+%! &- $. T(! "!-!3$% +3 8!#!8,2%$+- '$66 "! *$,!- +-6> %+ %(+#! SC0BCA0BCB0 PHC0SBC0EBPB 2-/
ESM 2-/ +5%#%2-/$-* #4+8%#4!8#+- )2-/$/2%!# '(+ 28! /+@$)$6! +3 H28>2-2 S%2%!. T(!
SC0BCA0BCB0PHC0SBC0EBPB )2-/$/2%!# 28! 8!E5$8!/ %+ #5"@$%
SC0BCA0BCB0PHC0SBC0EBPB C!8%$3$)2%! /56> $##5!/ "> %(! )+@4!%!-% 25%(+8$%> 2% %(!
%$@! +3 $-%!8,$!'. L$=!'$#! %(! O5%#%2-/$-* S4+8%# P!8#+- #(266 "! 8!E5$8!/ %+ 48+/5)!
%(! #4+8% *82/2%$+- )!8%$3$)2%! 2# 4!8 B+,!8-@!-% $-#%85)%$+-# /56> $##5!/ "> %(!
)+@4!%!-% 25%(+8$%>. 1ESM #(266 "! 8!E5$8!/ %+ 48+/5)! %(! 38!#( E6$*$"$6$%> C!8%$3$)2%!
/56> $##5!/ "> %(! 8!#4!)%$,! I$62 S2$-$= B+28/ 2% %(! %$@! +3 $-%!8,$!'.
$$. 9526$3$)2%$+- '$66 "! /!%!8@$-!/ '$%( 8!*28/ %+ %(! 62#% /2%! 3$G!/ 3+8 8!)!$4% +3
$$$. C2-/$/2%!# 2446>$-* 3+8 2 4+#% @5#% !-#58! %(2% %(!> 3563$66 266 %(! !6$*$"$6$%> )+-/$%$+-# +-
%(! 62#% /2%! +3 2446$)2%$+-. I3 +- ,!8$3$)2%$+- 2% 2-> %$@! "!3+8! +8 23%!8 %(! '8$%%!-
!G2@$-2%$+- +8 $-%!8,$!' +8 244+$-%@!-%, $% $# 3+5-/ %(2% %(!> /+ -+% 3563$66 2-> +3 %(!
!6$*$"$6$%> )+-/$%$+- +8 $% $# 3+5-/ %(2% %(! $-3+8@2%$+- 358-$#(!/ $# 326#! +8 $-)+88!)% %(!$8
)2-/$/2%58! '$66 "! )2-)!66!/.
$,. T(! !G4!8$!-)! '$66 "! )+-#$/!8!/ +-6> 23%!8 2)E5$8$-* %(! !##!-%$26 E526$3$)2%$+- 2-/ '$%(
/!%2$6# +3 #2628> 8!)!$,!/.
/ candidate whether he belongs to )eneral or reserved categor! vi@. ,-& .-/& .-.& ,.-&
2.3)& 2,4"<2,4& <>>& 36- or O,3 can submit onl! one on line application for a particular categor! of
post advertised. The special instructions for online applications as given on website www.hssc.gov.in or
www.onlinehssc.in must be carefull! read to help in understanding and filling in the application form. N+
+336$-! 3+8@ '$66 "! 2))!4%!/. /ll the relevant columns of the application form should be filled in.
P8$-%!/ C+4>&-
3rinted cop! of the application form with original certificates and photocop! will be brought b!
the candidate at the time of interview"verification alongwith 3hoto& 8dentit! 3roof i.e. 8dentit! -ard"<riving
:icense" 3assport";oter -ard"3an -ard etc.
F2=! I-#%$%5%$+-#&-
-andidates& who have obtained degrees or diplomas or certificates for various courses from
an! institution declared fae b! the Aniversit! )rants -ommission or not recogni@ed b! <epartment of
2ducation& 6ar!ana shall not be eligible for being considered for recruitment to the posts advertised.
S!8,$-* B+,!8-@!-% E@46+>!!#&-
,erving )overnment 2mplo!ees should have to produce no obHection certificate from their
6ead of department at the time of verification"scrutin!#cum#interview.
i7 One cop! of latest stamp si@e photograph dul! attested should be pasted on the application
ii7 /ttested photocop! of fee deposited in .an.
iii7 /ttested photocop! of essential ?ualifications i.e. diploma"degree with the online downloaded
application form.
iv7 /ttested cop! of 2ligibilit! -ertificate in case of <2,4 candidates dul! issued b! the
respective Lila ,aini .oard.
v7 /ttested cop! of ,port )radation -ertificate in case of Outstanding ,ports 3ersons& dul!
issued b! the -ompetent /uthorit!.
,$. A%%!#%!/ 4(+%+ )+4> +3 BCA0BCB0SC0PHC0SBC0EBPB C!8%$3$)2%! $##5!/ "> )+@4!%!-%
The following are liel! causes of reHection:#
4ore than one application for a particular categor!.
Page 7 of 8
/pplication is incomplete and not online format given in the /dvertisement.
>ull fee if not deposited in the manner prescribed.
2'perience certificate& where applicable& is without detail of salar! per month received.
$o ?ualification of 6indi",ansrit as prescribed in advertisement.
/pplicant does not possess the re?uisite& academic ?ualification on cutoff date.
/pplicant does not indicate visible identification mar in appropriate column of application form.
-andidate is underage"overage on the cutoff date"closing date.
;ariation in data of online application form and originals when brought for verification"scrutin!cum#
O>> :8$2 form sent b! post.
:ac of essential ?ualification as prescribed in advertisement.
H!64/!#= -5@"!8 3+8 2-> 2##$#%2-)!&
F+8 O-6$-! A446$)2%$+-- A71-7041555547, A71-7041003777
F+8 B2-= (S%2%! B2-= +3 P2%$262. F!! J 0172-25<4072, A71-<146777331
3lace : 3anchula ,ecretar!&
<ated: 10.01.2014 6ar!ana ,taff ,election -ommission&
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