Is Are Worksheets

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The news !" bau.

People #$% woiiieu.

Is the noun in youi sentence count oi non-count nouns.

Count Nouns aie nouns that you can actually count.
Foi example:

Non-Count Nouns aie nouns that you can't count alone.

Foi example: Theie aie S pencils in my pencil case.

I have nine wateis in my cup.
I have nine !" $% watei in my cup.

&'()*" is a count noun because you can count how many you have.
+,-'. is a non-count noun because you can't count it by itself; you can only count it
by ml, cup(s) of, bottle(s) of, etc.

If the noun you'ie iefeiiing to is a single, countable noun, use is.
o The cup is white.

If the noun is pluial, use aie.
o The stiawbeiiies aie ieu.


Bowevei, some woius seem to be pluial, but they aie a single unit.

- Physics
- Economics
- Politics
- Clothes

&/01*)1 is an example of a single subject, anu things like 2",11'13 4,(-1, anu 1$)51
come in paiis. If you say "paii of" tieat the paii oi gioup as a single unit.

- a bag of canuy
- a paii of scissois
- a paii of pants &' )#!$*+$,-)*.#+ ,/ 0 !"
- "!1+-2#$3

- socks
- scissois
- pants 45% 1,-1" #2,1% #$% )2-$#23

Quiz Time Questions

Choose the coiiect woiu.

! (ThatThose) pants (isaie) nice. (Is itAie they)

! The news (wasweie) bau. (ItThey) woiiieu

! (Is youiAie youi) new socks waim.

! (ThisThese) infoimation (isaie) veiy impoitant.

! Economics (isaie) baseu on numbeis.

Quiz Time Answeis & Explanations

Those pants aie nice. Aie they comfoitable.

The woiu 4,(-1 is pluial if you uon't mention 4,*. $%. You'ie only
mentioning the 4,(-1 heie, so it's in the pluial foim.

The news was bau. It woiiieu eveiybouy.

6'71 is non-count. You can have two oi thiee ('71 1-$.*'1, but not

Aie youi new socks waim.

Theie aie two socks anu theie is no mention of a gioup oi paii. It's pluial.

This infoimation is veiy impoitant.

8(%$.!,-*$( itself s a non-count noun. You can have two 4*')'1 $%
*(%$.!,-*$(, but not two infoimations

Economics is baseu on numbeis.

9)$($!*)1 is a single subject.

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