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7.1 Academic Word List Sublist 1A

Match these words to their denitions.
1 analysis ..... a an abstract or general idea
2 approach ..... b to send goods to another country
3 area ..... c one or more reasons for believing something
4 assessment ..... d information from which conclusions may be drawn
5 assume ..... e able to be used
6 authority ..... f facts which contribute to the result of something
7 available ..... g the purpose of something, or the duty of a person
8 benet ..... h the conditions one lives in and their effects
9 concept ..... i when you decide the value or quality of something
10 consistent ..... j a legal agreement between people or groups
11 constitutional ..... k relating to the laws and principles of a government
12 context ..... l relating to money or trade
13 contract ..... m formed or developed from something else
14 create ..... n relating to the management of money
15 data ..... o a detailed investigation of the parts of something
16 denition ..... p an explanation of a word or phrase
17 derived ..... q the situation in which something exists or happens
18 distribution ..... r to make something new or invent something
19 economic ..... s a standard way of making or doing something
20 environment ..... t an advantage or good effect
21 established ..... u an expert on a subject
22 estimate ..... v the way in which things or people are spread about
23 evidence ..... w in agreement with expectations or other facts
24 export ..... x accept something to be true without questioning it
25 factors ..... y recognized something by saying what it is
26 nancial ..... z a way of considering or doing something
27 formula ..... conventional or conforming to accepted standards
28 function ..... a guess of the size, number or amount of something
29 identied ..... money earned by doing work or gained by investing
30 income ..... a subject or specialization, or part of it

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