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I would really enjoy having a jo !hi" "ummer ecau"e i! would !each me more "#ill" in re"$on"iili!y !han I have
already learned. I al"o !hin# !ha! !hi" would hel$ me learn !o ada$! e!!er !o a di%%eren! wor#ing environmen!
which would hel$ me in many di%%eren! way". &or exam$le' i% I ever need !o move !o a di%%eren! loca!ion %or my
career' !he way o% living will e very di%%eren! !han here in (!ah and I elieve i! would e good %or me !o
ex$erience a way o% li%e. )e!!ing a jo will hel$ me learn !o e e!!er a! ada$!ing *uic#ly !o new circum"!ance"
which would e re*uired when moving !o a di%%eren! "!a!e !o $ur"ue a new career.
.ighland .igh School
June /0123 .igh School +i$loma
Bay"i!!er /011 7 Ongoing
-ur"ing .ome Volun!eer /018 Ongoing
+aycare Volun!eer /011 /01/
Bohme Sale" ,""ocia!e /018
S!raigh! Su$erior" in Thea!re 6egion Com$e!i!ion
S!raigh! Su$erior" in Thea!re S!a!e Com$e!i!ion
Be"! Cameo ,c!re"" in .ighland .igh School 9u"ical
,ward %or !he Tri$le Threa! a! .ighland .igh School ;9o"! !alen!ed a! ,c!ing' Singing' and +ancing<
-omina!ed %or Be"! cameo ,c!re"" in !he "!a!e
Involvemen! in Virginia Tanner +ance Thea!re
/00/ Ongoing
Alexa Hanson-Wagner
Cu"!omer &ocu"ed
>uic# :earner
As a babysitter I have to be focused on the children. My job is to keep them engaged,
entertained, and safe. I am successful at this because I am attentive and responsible. I
listen to the parents wishes and fulfill their expectations even when certain rules are
not appointed to me.
As a performing artist, my job is to stay completely focused in very stressful situations
for example, if I were to be on stage singing in front of a crowd for a musical and my
microphone were to fail. I would have to stay in character while trying not to panic. I
would also have to figure out how to make the audience hear me better. This would
come in handy with a job because it allows me to stay calm and make sure the
customer is also not panicking in a very stressful situation. It also has created very
uick problem solving skills for me.
!eing a performing artist has also given me the ability to work hard for long hours
with very few breaks and on my feet the entire time. In this case long hours mean from
"#$% a.m. & '%#%% p.m., Monday & (aturday. This comes in handy with a job because it
allows me to work for long hours with the same amount of energy and the same
positive attitude I started out the day with.

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