Grad Transitions: by Austyn Frostad

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By Austyn Frostad
In Grade Ten English, our class was required to write about a woman who inspired us.
Out stories were entered into a competition called, “She Inspires Me.” I wrote my story
about my sister and how despite the physical disabilities she endures, she remains to be
the most positive person I know. A month after our class had sent in our stories, my
English teacher, Mrs. Sommers, announced that I had been chosen as a finalist in the
competition! At the ceremony in downtown Vancouver, I won second place in the junior
category. I was shocked that I had won such a grand prize from writing a story that had
come so easily from my heart. It gave me confidence to know that I was capable of
achieving such an honourable award for writing.
For French 10 AP I was given a project where I had to create a newspaper filled
with information about my birth year, 1993. It was really fun to do this project
because I discovered things about my birth year that I was previously unaware of.
By using several images and a neat layout, I was able to receive a mark that I was
extremely proud of. From this highlight I have learned that by spending a lot of
time on a project, the effort you put into it becomes evident.
For Grade Ten Athletics, I decided I would take a year off of sports such as basketball
and volleyball because I had been offered an excellent job opportunity at my dentist
office. However, I did devise a workout regime which I followed consistently
throughout the year. By putting in the time and effort to keep my body healthy, it
helped me to learn that I am capable of committing to a plan and following through
with it. It was great to see how my fitness improved throughout the year as I became
stronger. I felt a great deal of self-accomplishment when I realized I had set out a goal
and achieved it on my own. By remaining fit, I discovered I had more energy on a
daily basis compared to the times when I did not work out.
Graphic Design 10 was an eye opening course for me. I learned other types of art
and how to create them. My teacher, Ms. Peake, taught our class that design is
the main element of all things. Without design, there would be no interest and
excitement in life. A project we completed in this class had to do with
typography, which involves letters and their size, shape, and color. I created a
piece with three random letters. This project showed me that the effort that goes
into most designs is immense, and it really made me appreciate the design that is
always surrounding us.
One of the main things I did for service in Grade Ten was being a counsellor at Grade
Seven Camp. For three days, approximately 12 counsellors and 60 grade 7 students
ventured over to Camp Elphinstone on the Sunshine Coast. As a counsellor, I was able
to watch over the kids in my cabin and give them wise advice about life. Going to
camp helped me understand that it is very important for younger kids to have role
models, especially for those who do not have older brothers or sisters to look up to. I
realized that the effect I had on younger children was more great than I had thought. It
is important to watch what you say and how you act because there is always someone
who might decide to copy you one day.
In French Ten I had to do an oral exam where my teacher asked me questions and
I had to answer her in French. I was very proud of myself that I was capable of
speaking so fluently on the spur of the moment, especially since the oral exam
was quite the nerve-racking situation. I remember that the day of the exam, I read
over my notes and tried to remain as calm as possible. I reminded myself that it
was like having a conversation, but in another language – I could do this! In the
end, I passed with flying colors and a ninety percent on my oral.
In my spare time during Grade Ten, I created a sketchbook filled with random
drawings and scattered ideas. My sketchbook provided a sort of release for me
whenever I felt stressed or even just bored. The first sketch of the following is of
a famous rap artist, Kanye West. I really enjoy drawing people or interpreting
things that have already been drawn. I hope to use sketching as a vice when I am
older because it is a great way to help me focus and clear my head.
My second choice pieces from Grade Ten are two graphic design projects I
completed. In the first project, our class was required to create a drawing that
included five different shapes in a creative manner. In the second project, I had to
create a logo for a potential company. The logo I made stood for a juice company
I made up called “The Passionate Dragon.” In the logo you can see the letters P
and D put together in a creative way.
“Ain’t no mountain
high enough...”

- Marvin Gaye

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