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Vertex in Aries

You are expected to pick up the reins of leadership, initiate new directions, take a decisive stand, overcome inhibitions to activate personal
drive, learn courage, and conquer fears.

Doing these things may satisfy a fundamental need for expression that you are psychologically ready to fulfill. It can challenge your ability to
lead, troubleshoot, or innovate, and it can bring abilities forward from your unconscious that you were not aware of. You can gain awareness
of personal courage and self-identity as well.

Not accomplishing these things may put the initiative into anothers hands or leave you unfulfilled because you have compromised or fallen
into tempting mediocrity. It is also possible that you will develop a gap in your personality because of a psychologically damaging identity

Vertex in Taurus

You are expected to complete something already set in motion. Others expect you to become self-sustaining and self-supporting, to deal with
security problems, and to support the arts in some way. People want you to deal with the world on a material level.

Accomplishing these things may create a solution for a severe emotional or material lack. You outgrow dependency on others and manage
your own affairs.

Not doing so may keep you from attaining the self-esteem that you could gain from being self-sufficient. You may also feel social or emotional

Vertex in Gemini

You are expected to bring your ability to communicate or write to the fore, and to use hard-core facts to clarify situations. People expect you
to come up with ideas and present them clearly, speak, write, or instruct, debate your own view point, and gain a position as a spokesperson.

Doing these things may improve your ability to get your ideas across to others because you learn to choose your words carefully and have the
facts to back them up. You also gain the confidence to speak out because you have developed communication skills and maintained a youthful
curiosity. In short, you are well prepared with facts when tested.

Not developing these skills allows you to generalize or go off on a tangent, losing the point you are trying to make. You may avoid research
and fail to achieve mental flexibility and clarity, or you may get hung up on a single goal instead of developing the diversity you need.

Vertex in Cancer

You are expected to deal with the public or in the public interest, handle the emotional factors in situations, and learn to deal with women or
public figures. People also anticipate your ability to spot trends and accept a background or parental role, and to acknowledge the emotional
side of your nature.

Doing these things may help you to develop your nurturing qualities and to recognize your own dependency needs as legitimate concerns in
your life. You may also discover a capacity to play the parent role to the world.

Not accomplishing these things may put you at the mercy of other peoples emotions. Situations become distorted and conflicts develop with
people who feel you have let them down. You may also give in to the temptation to suppress your emotions.

Vertex in Leo

You are expected to become an individual and not just a member of the group, and to project your own emotions in a special relationship
instead of maintaining emotional separation. People expect you to be responsible for teaching, working on an entertainment project, or
dealing with young people or children. You also should acknowledge and accept your need for admiration.

In doing these things, you may become aware of your own individuality or creative expression. You give outer expression to the affectionate,
creative side of your nature. You strengthen your own ego by helping other people to develop theirs, and you instill confidence and self-worth
in those around you through your magnetism and dignity.

Not accomplishing these tasks may lead to a psychologically crippling ego-complex or create conflict within you. You could suffer from the
same impersonal treatment you sometimes indulge in.

Vertex in Virgo

You are expected to use your practical insights and your ability to discover flaws. People also want you to provide service, compile material
for practical use, and supply work details. You should develop your discriminating faculties, become a useful and productive member of
society, and develop conscientious habits and the ability to accept criticism.

Doing these things may make you feel useful in the world and offset a tendency to worry about your health. You also learn to believe in your
own self-worth, regardless of the opinions of others. Finally, you are able to function at your most efficient level, knowing that your life has

Not doing so may bring inner conflict because you give in to confusion. You can make yourself nearly invisible. You can also create disorder in
your life and a feeling of uselessness.

Vertex in Libra

You are expected to bring opposing factions together, counsel or arbitrate on a fair and equal basis, or seek a satisfactory compromise. You
also may develop a cooperative spirit and sense of fair play to help yourself and others to move forward. You may become conscious of a
persecution complex that produces inner conflict. You also can relate to others as equals, thereby creating inner balance and avoiding
unreasonable social demands. You are expected to cultivate the arts of compromise and detachment.

Accomplishing these tasks may help you to put aside personal ego in partnerships. You also learn to relate to others with a sense of justice.
Finally, you learn how to accept the need for balance in your personal life and in your environment.

Not doing so may result in a situation in which you are biased in judgment, and this result could add to your agitation. You may become
demanding, in which case you could allow self-centeredness that deepens relationship inhibitions. Then you could fall into both indecisiveness
and inertia.

Vertex in Scorpio

You are expected to learn total self-mastery. You will explore the limits of your desires and appetites, defining the limits not only in terms of
self but also out of respect for the rights of others. You will assist others in terms of mutual financial arrangements. You may deal with the
dead or dying, healing, and good business practices in which you reform or recycle what is obsolete. You may provide concrete assistance to
enhance the security of a partnership, acquaint yourself with metaphysics in order to sharpen perspective, and gain a sense of collective
values. You may also bring occult knowledge forward into the light.

By doing these things, you may express an inner emotional need to reform, recycle, or find personal rebirth each time you are tested by
appetites of the lower nature. Then you gain strength in the regenerative or healing forces of the higher realms, and you may be reborn to
the higher self. You could be involved with the issues of working to gain the support of others as well.

If you dont accomplish these goals, you may bow to the base material desires of others, creating a smoldering resentment within yourself. As
a result, you may feel conflict and emotional insecurity.

Vertex in Sagittarius

You are expected to develop broad vision and a deeper understanding of the significance behind the facts. You may develop a new religious
awareness or a philosophical view of things. You could become inspired by reaching toward higher truth. You may travel or attain a higher
education, deal with legal principles, teach a class dealing with religion or philosophy, and editorialize, promote, or bring understanding to
difficult situations.

Doing these things may teach you to have faith in yourself, your abilities, and your goals in life. You will learn that faith in yourself must come
from faith in something outside the self.

Not accomplishing your goals may incline you to accept a law or principle without looking past the facts to see how it will actually affect
people. You will find it difficult to accept the accolades and rewards you have earned and, instead, drift aimlessly through life.

Vertex in Capricorn

You are expected to accept the fact that in carrying out your duties and obligations, you prepare yourself for positions of greater
responsibility. You need to accept limitations and diligently work through them. You will realize that you are being forced to develop
organizational ability, caution, prudence, and patience. You may possibly run for an office at a time when no one else wants the position. You
need to accept limitations whether they are self- imposed or imposed by the outside world.

Accomplishing these goals may make you aware of how much your organizing ability is needed. You will also purify the self through struggle
and restriction.

Not fulfilling these tasks may keep you from moving up to a higher position, due to your apparent undependability, instability, or excuses.
You may claim that you lack the necessary time due to domestic considerations. You may experience inner conflict if you see yourself as the
victim of an unstable environment. You could also have subtle feelings of inferiority from your lack of discipline.

Vertex in Aquarius

You are expected to deal with all kinds of people, even those you feel you cannot tolerate. People want you to develop enough detachment to
rise above individual pettiness so you see your peers not as strangers, but as "brothers." You can grow through developing true individuality,
unfettered by peer group pressures. You need to accept the idea that you are one among equals.

Doing these things may help you avoid feelings of superiority. You are not too important to bother with being a friend. You will learn to
overcome your own ego.

Not accomplishing the above tasks may mean that you become the object of intolerant treatment from any group you are prejudiced against.
You may be blocked by those you oppose, simply because they decline to create the future openings you need. Accomplishments become
meaningless, and the impact you hope to make on the world falls well short of your expectations.

Vertex in Pisces

You are expected to develop selflessness and cultivate emotional or psychological insights rather than the practical, material insights that
come more naturally to you. People want you to develop compassion and the ability to listen to people who may be hurting inside and simply
need to know that someone cares. You may decide to serve in areas of confinement, institutions, or places where work must be done quietly
behind the scenes. You will also need to accept the fact that we are children of the universe and are here in order to convey the ideal of
infinite love and beauty to our less aware brethren.

If you accomplish the above tasks, you may grow through contact with the very people you have assisted. You will gain insights above and
beyond practical considerations, and you will realize that you are basically secure in your knowledge of the scheme of things.

Not doing so you turn back into yourself, only to rediscover things you already know. This could generate a sense of futility, which can lead to
despair and self-destruction.
Vertex Conjunct Sun

You find it relatively easy to be a person of importance. Your own self-esteem attracts prominent people to you, and the risks you take are
usually sound. Being in charge of others and coming before the public are areas in which you are comfortable.

Vertex Conjunct Moon

A woman or women in your life may be the catalyst for finding the emotional life you want. Sometimes this occurs within the family. You are
seen as a nurturer to others as well as yourself. You are expected to be the heart of your family, helping others to find their lives worthwhile.

Vertex Conjunct Mercury

You need people with good communicative skills in your life who will stimulate you mentally. A sibling or spouse may fulfill this role. Since you
take a mental view of life, education is important. Pets and automobiles are often part of your life.

Vertex Conjunct Venus

You are often expected to rely on your charm and good looks to advance in life. Money is usually plentiful and important to you. There is a
love of beautiful possessions and an active social life for which you are willing to put out a lot of effort. There is usually popularity too.

Vertex Conjunct Mars

Others may push your buttons easily. You have to develop the tact and charm to overcome this. You could attract aggressive or assertive
people, which may be to your benefit if you handle it well. Some people with this aspect, such as policemen, carry weapons. Use your own
assertiveness to get the things you want.

Vertex Conjunct Jupiter

Much is expected of you since you have the potential for outstanding achievements. You may have been born into a privileged family or one
that values education highly. The fields of law, publishing, or higher education may attract you. You are tolerant of foreigners or those of a
different background.

Vertex Conjunct Saturn

Far from having a negative impact, your characteristics of seriousness and sense of responsibility are assets. Usually you accept your
responsibilities willingly. You are one who can be counted on even if you have to sacrifice some of your own desires to do so.

Vertex Conjunct Uranus

There is a determination to express your uniqueness or sometimes genius. This can be favorable as long as it doesnt become mere
eccentricity. Modern technology is a natural for you.

Vertex Conjunct Neptune

You may attract very strong personalities or rather weak ones. Also, you may be attracted to artistic, sensitive, or spiritual types, or those
involved in drugs and alcohol. Big doses of realism enable you to avoid negativity. While deception is possible, you may be the one deceiving
yourself. You could become pompous or mystical when you are in over your head.

Vertex Conjunct Pluto

Though you function in large organizations well, you experience control issues. You want control of your own life, even if its a subconscious
urge. The use of force or jealousy from or toward you may be excessive, but it does indicate great power for good or evil to be who you want
to be.

Vertex Conjunct Ascendant

This is not possible in the northern or southern hemispheres.

Vertex Conjunct Midheaven

You may be fated to have a very influential incarnation. Like Ghandi of India you may be here for a special purpose. Your parents influence
your career as well as your moral and spiritual values.

Vertex Sextile Sun

Opportunities come in your life to boost the value you place on your services. Usually these come through male figures. You may develop a
talent for working with children too. Sports and creative efforts smooth the way for the promotions you seek.

Vertex Sextile Moon

Your everyday efforts and warmth hold the family together so there are opportunities for your home and family to give you emotional support
and satisfaction. Any type of nurturing is your greatest blessing. You carry out household chores willingly. Relationships with women are
favored too.

Vertex Sextile Mercury

Communication and education are two areas where your abilities are expected. You have a good mind. You have opportunities to be involved
with neighbors, travel, brothers and sisters, or writing. Your opportunities may come from new technology. Keeping up with the latest means
of communication is a must.

Vertex Sextile Venus

You have the opportunity to have a rewarding love or romance in your life. Social affairs and marriages tend to work out well, and
relationships with young women go well. Luxury items and money are available to you more easily than for most. Money may be earned by
the sale or handling of anything that beautifies your surroundings.

Vertex Sextile Mars

You may use your abundant energy in many different ways depending on the signs involved. Fire signs might be inclined to favor sports or
exercise programs. Air signs need to use their mental energy. Water and earth may be emotional and nurturing or down to earth and

Vertex Sextile Jupiter

The benefits of having good luck are yours when you use good judgment. Youre expected to travel, if not literally then vicariously, to expand
your world and increase your income. You may have opportunities to expand through volunteering for some of the many jobs that need

Vertex Sextile Saturn

You can set long-range goals so that you do not have to have instant gratification. You develop self-reliance that others lack. You may have
to go to work early in your life to help the family. Illnesses usually come with the opportunity to solve them.

Vertex Sextile Uranus

You are allowed the personal freedom to be yourself to best express your uniqueness. Friends may help you achieve this goal. Sudden events
in your life, while not feeling sudden to you, keep others wondering whats next. Youll benefit from the study of astrology.

Vertex Sextile Neptune

You find forms of escape that are practical and constructive. Anything that creates an illusion, such as photography or cosmetics, interests
you. Daydreaming, travel, or spiritual goals are constructive outlets too. You are also compassionate and idealistic, and services you render
are helpful and imaginative.

Vertex Sextile Pluto

Control issues are softened here. There are opportunities for regeneration or to make yourself whatever you want to be. Deaths, surgeries,
power issues and other drastic changes may be handled well because you see yourself as a powerful person. You may change your world as
well as yourself.

Vertex Sextile Ascendant

This is not possible in the northern or southern hemisphere.

Vertex Sextile Midheaven

Opportunities come to you due to the favorable influence of your parents. Later in life it may be your fate to be given chances to excel career
wise and to reap the benefits of what you have learned from one or both of your parents. An important move could bring opportunities too.

Vertex Square Sun

Once you overcome the negative images you have of male figures or anyone in authority, you have the ability to gain status You have the
drive to overcome the obstacles that have stood in your way. You put out the effort needed when health issues arise.

Vertex Square Moon

When you feel tied down by domestic duties or find your home unsettled, you may have to enlist the help of the whole family or friends. You
may find an emotional support system by being an emotional supporter for others. Efforts need to be made to improve conditions for females
in your life.

Vertex Square Mercury

Physical concerns include respiratory problems, allergies, or colds. Since you may feel that you do not learn as easily as others, you often
overachieve in mental areas and become an excellent communicator. A brother or sister could burden you with his or her problems if you
allow it.

Vertex Square Venus
Your love relationships require special attention. To avoid conflicts, you have to be careful to encourage only those whose values are similar
to your own to avoid conflicts. You may experience the loss of a loved one. Laziness or a lack of neatness may manifest. Great care is needed
in the handling of money. Physically, there can be concerns with the throat, voice, tonsils, or veins.

Vertex Square Mars

Finding your best niche is necessary for overcoming the anger or strife you might feel or be subject to. You could feel helpless to overcome
the stress from other people, yet you have the energy to act. Just be sure your actions are constructive. You may be impulsive not spending
enough time or effort to do your homework before acting.

Vertex Square Jupiter

The only thing negative here is that you may have too much of a good thing or you are overly self-indulgent. You may spoil your children or
be spoiled yourself. Getting to know people with different ideas better and walking in their shoes for a while may help you work out

Vertex Square Saturn

The difficulties or lack of warmth you have with your father (or parents) inspire you to do better with your own life if you do not let negativity
take over. Some difficult conditions are based on fear. In overcoming the fear, you overcome the conditions and become a stronger person.

Vertex Square Uranus

You dont seem to be cut from the same cookie cutter as others. This opens you up to many interests others avoid, and these interests are
not always accepted by the masses. Relationships that dont let you express who you really are may have to end abruptly, whether you or the
other person initiates the action.

Vertex Square Neptune

You may have a blind spot which brings problems or situations you would normally resist. Drugs and alcohol can play too large a part in your
life, or you may be dealing with others problems with these. Turning to the arts or giving service are constructive ways to handle this energy.
You have a tendency to romanticize your life.

Vertex Square Pluto

You must deal with the drastic changes that come in your life. You could be the victim of power plays from others, or you exert power
yourself in a negative way. Jointly held money or sexual issues are prominent too. Tax and insurance matters must be handled with integrity.
Although it is not easy, you have the power to regenerate your life.

Vertex Square Ascendant

This is not possible in the northern or southern hemisphere

Vertex Square Midheaven

Some of you have suffered from the care or lack of care from a parent. There can be too little or too much parental guidance. This could
affect your career by making it difficult to trust that authority figures will meet your needs.

Vertex Trine Sun

You get the rewards of the efforts you have put out to succeed. Theres a certain amount of luck and drama with this aspect. There should be
many who hlep you to feel positive about your life. You are favored by the men in your life, your father, son, brother, boss, etc.

Vertex Trine Moon

Not only do you expect yourself to have a harmonious home life, but you also have a good business sense. You seem to know what the public
wants. Emotional situations are usually happy, with you providing a stabilizing influence. You may have good instincts about real estate.

Vertex Trine Mercury

Your clarity of thinking and skills in expressing yourself could make you a good teacher, student, or writer. You want to exchange ideas and
you have many mental interests, making you an interesting person to talk to. You also know when to avoid talking.

Vertex Trine Venus

You are fortunate where finances are concerned because you do not let money become a problem to you, whether you have it or not. You try
to make the most of your appearance and personality making you a pleasant person to have around. Your relationships are usually quite
happy and fortunate too.

Vertex Trine Mars

Not only do you have abundant energy but you also use it constructively. When you find it necessary to be aggressive, you do so in a way
that is productive and positive. You can be especially helpful to young people, perhaps as an athletic coach. You are probably ambitious and
competitive, liking to be number one.

Vertex Trine Jupiter

The expectations you have for yourself often motivate high achievements. In some cases there is fame and luck. Legal, religious, and
philosophical matters are carried out with the highest ethics. You see people for who they are, and you want your life to expand beyond the
life in which you were born.

Vertex Trine Saturn

You are usually self-motivated, not needing the constant encouragement and pushing some require. Even as a child you were the one who
could be relied on to take care of yourself and do what you believe is right. You may show wisdom that you may have gained in other lives as
well as this one.

Vertex Trine Uranus

You benefit from the surprising events in your life. Friends open your world to greater things than you ever dreamed of. Humanitarian and
group activities are favored. Your uniqueness is an asset to you, and others find you to be an interesting person. You may be ahead of your

Vertex Trine Neptune

There is hardly a better aspect for the arts, music, painting, dancing, etc. However, you may live in a fog, lacking reality in your life. Yours is
a life best spent pursuing spiritual goals rather than material ones.

Vertex Trine Pluto

This indicates enormous power to open up new phases of your life through regeneration. Situations that would devastate others may be dealt
with in constructive ways. Once you decide on a course of action, there is little to hold you back. You are expected to use this power well.

Vertex Trine Ascendant

Fate seems to be kind to you. You meet the expectations that the world has of you, and you express yourself in a way that shows the result
of constructive effort from this or other lifetimes.

Vertex Trine Midheaven

You draw people and situations to you that help you gain prestige and allow you to express your talents. You probably had a positive role
model in one or both parents. Your own abilities are allowed to have beneficial expression. Changes in your position in the world are happy

Vertex Quincunx Sun

Caring for your health and making adjustments to conditions of others in your life, especially men, may bring out the best in you. The
adjustments you must make often steer you in the direction of your true calling. You may have concerns about your partners money,
insurance, or taxes.

Vertex Quincunx Moon

Youre expected to make the needed adjustments due to changes in the family. This could be due to a new baby or caring for an elderly
relative. Divorce or death may necessitate building a new life, or your work situation could change. You know how to meet these situations
without sacrificing your own health.

Vertex Quincunx Mercury

Your attitude toward education is to balance education and other areas of your life. You may not understand the importance you place on
work and study, and you find going along with others ideas difficult. Respiratory problems may occur. Being around smoke or unclean air is
especially detrimental for you.

Vertex Quincunx Venus

You are certainly one who needs to know yourself well and define what you want out of life. If you dont you may compromise more than is
necessary and then resent others for having to do so. Your efforts to improve or maintain your appearance give you more confidence. Throat
or voice problems may arise at times.

Vertex Quincunx Mars

Some of your actions can be quite startling to others. You might be expected to serve as a fireman, soldier, policeman or another emergency
responder, requiring quick adjustments to emergency situations. Initiative, strength and endurance are strong points for people of both

Vertex Quincunx Jupiter

You must learn moderation to avoid liver problems or other problems related to overindulgence. Adjustments have to be made for children
going off to college or for your own education and travel. It helps to use good judgment regarding legal matters so that you avoid frivolous or
vindictive actions.

Vertex Quincunx Saturn

You may experience chronic health concerns. Although extra work is required in many situations, your ability to be flexible and solve
problems is usually an asset. You learn how to relate to authority figures out of a necessity to do so.

Vertex Quincunx Uranus

It is important to you to have your personal space and you will fight to insure this for others as well. You would like to be your own boss. If
you have small children, you really need time out occasionally. Electronics and all forms of modern technology draw your attention.

Vertex Quincunx Neptune

Idealism, need for service, and health matters may be combined in a career as a pharmacist or in any of the health fields. Situations may
seem more glamorous than they are. You may be somewhat nave, and you may need to be more realistic and informed. It might be easy to
try to escape in one of many ways, but eventually reality has to be faced.

Vertex Quincunx Pluto

Major expectations of you are often the result of world conditions. These may affect your job and income. Sometimes accidents or deaths
impact on your ability to adjust. Either / or situations are a part of your life. You must learn to adopt a constructive and unselfish attitude to

Vertex Quincunx Ascendant

You could be one of those people who often has to adjust to health conditions, changes within your job, or deaths within your circle. You have
the know-how to adjust to these situations from both the standpoint of strong inner resources and the flexibility to bounce back.

Vertex Quincunx Midheaven

Health concerns may interfere with your career or position in the world unless you learn to accept the changes that are necessary. Women
often have to balance career with family needs, or a death in your own circle requires adjustments in your position.

Vertex Opposition Sun

You find that by doing something for yourself, you attain the success or happiness you deserve. You may achieve a feeling of importance due
to the confidence you feel about yourself.

Vertex Opposition Moon

It is necessary to balance your emotional needs with those of others. A strong knowledge of who you are as an individual helps you gain this
balance. Others need your help and emotional support. You could gain much satisfaction from being in public life or running for a local office.

Vertex Opposition Mercury

There may be opposition to your ideas or you feel that you have to give up your favorite ideas. There may be conflicts to work out with others
in travel, writing, or teaching. In some way your good mind could make others think you are marching to a different drummer. You need to
do something for yourself.

Vertex Opposition Venus

Some inhibitions or feelings of unworthiness may cloud your romantic and social prospects. Your ideas about social activities have to be
balanced with other people's plans. Your throat and voice are important to you so you have to avoid abusing them. You need to pamper
yourself and let your charm come through.

Vertex Opposition Mars

Opposition to your actions comes from other people, and you are expected to learn how to handle these difficult situations. You could say that
this ability is being brought forth in your nature. While these situations are not easy, you may draw on your own charm to bring balance.

Vertex Opposition Jupiter

You may receive some opposition to your plans for higher education, travel, or anything that broadens your life. Sometimes compromises
have to be made. You need to listen to others' ideas if your judgment is not sound about a matter, or if you are blinded by emotional
involvements. People may oppose you in the courts too.

Vertex Opposition Saturn

You may be pushed into a role that is not your real self. Others oppose your efforts so that you have to learn to stand up for yourself. Your
own sense of responsibility provides balance that enables you to be the person you should be and to defuse any tension.

Vertex Opposition Uranus

When other people or situations curb your freedom, you can rebel. Usually its more productive to balance other people's needs with your own
individuality. You come in contact with new and exciting friends, and you would thoroughly enjoy a study of astrology in groups.

Vertex Opposition Neptune

There may be a hidden side to your nature. Indecision and compassion are strong too. Sometimes a touch of genius causes
misunderstandings. You may attract people with drug or alcohol problems, and it may take all your strength to avoid getting caught up in
this. Spiritual and artistic matters bring out the best of this energy.

Vertex Opposition Pluto

Some things that are no longer needed are purged from your life making way for other experiences. You are expected to handle powerful
opposition and power struggles to bring about regeneration. Sexual feelings may meet opposition, or taxes and insurance concerns may be
forced on you. By taking the ethical high road, you may meet these well.

Vertex Opposition Ascendant

You have major lessons that usually involve another person. Some individual is likely to have a very strong influence on you. This may be
your spouse or anyone else who is important to you.

Vertex Opposition Midheaven

Issues that arise with your family and in your home are intense and powerful, and you can grow as a person by learning how to deal with
these important relationships and situations.

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