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A Presentation on

Reflex mechanisms are of course still being
extensively studied in the central nervous system
First of which dates back to 1949, when D. P. C.
Lloyd published an article in J. Gen. Physiol, on
monosynaptic reflex.
Reflex is discovered by Marshall Hall , so he is
known as Father of reflex action .
Pavlov is known as Father of conditional reflexes.

What is reflex action ?
A reflex action is an automatic response to a certain
situation or stimulus.
Involuntary action is carried out unconsciously
(without our thinking about it) an example of this
could be regulation of heat , heart beat . It is
controlled by hypothalamus.
Voluntary action is something our decide to do within
our conscious mind, this could something like food
searching, protection from enemies , etc. It is
controlled by cerebrum .
Kinds of reflex
Tonic reflex they are slow , long lasting
adjustments which maintain muscular tone ,posture
and equilibrium.
Phasic reflex they are rapid short lived adjustments
as seen in flexure response.

Basic Organization of a Reflex Arc

Path of Reflex arc
Reflex Arc
e.g. Stretch Reflex
e.g. Withdrawal Reflex
Types of reflex action
Unconditioned Reflex:It was discovered by Marshall
in 1883 . An automatic instinctive unlearned reaction
to a stimulus. An instinctive reflex not dependent on
previous learning or experience.
Examples-instinct behavior ,nest formation ,
migration , reproduction in specific weather .
Conditioned Reflex: It was first discovered by Pavlov.
A learned response performed by a trained animal to
a signal that was previously associated with an event
of consequence for that animal.
Examples-cycling , dancing , singing ,etc.
Examples of Reflexes:
Flexor reflex (Withdrawal, "hot stove")
31 Oct. 2012
1. receptors sense pain
2. sensory impulse to
spinal cord
3. synapse to association
neuron, synapse to motor
neurons (polysynaptic)
4. motor neurons to flexor
muscles to
5. withdraw offended
body part from stimulus
1. Muscle spindles sense
stretch of muscle,
2. Increase rate of sensory
impulses to spinal cord
3. One synapse to motor
4. Motor neurons
stimulate muscle to
5. Contract & restore

Stretch Reflex (Knee jerk)
Other examples
Blinking reflex of eye Sometimes when an object
comes in front of our eyes, eyelids close.
Scratch reflex- when we put a drop of acetic acid on one
leg of a frog, it tries to remove it from other leg, even
after its brain is removed.
Yawning When level of carbon dioxide increases in our
blood we remove it by Yawning.
Coughing When there comes a foreign particle in
trachea, air comes with great intensity from our lungs so
that this particle can come out with it.
Sneezing- It is same as above, but air comes out from
nose instead of mouth.

1. Dr. S.M. Saxena: R.P. unified Ramprashad & sons
3. Dr. Ramesh Gupta: Modern Zoology. Prakash
4. H.N. Baijal: Zoology Arun prakashan.

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