The Lost E-Whoring Guide by Elite Cow

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The Lost E-whoring Guide!

-How to start?
-My top Method
-Who are you?
Be Prepared
Good uck!
-"tart #ow!
E-whoring is a method of luring people into buying buying your service such
as pictures. This guide will be going over the method of luring to sell
pictures, it is the simplest and easiest way to make quick money around $2
per person. ! have made more then $" in # days using this strategy. $ets
get started%
How to "tart
To start e-whoring you must have knowledge of who you are going to be,
and info about you such as& 'ge, $ocation, (emale)*ale. This is all important
for when you are asked. +hen being asked a question quick answering is the
most important thing to keep them content. ,ictures are the method in this
tut, ! will give you more info on that later on in the Tut.
My $op Method
's said before, ! have a working method that everyone knows of but rarely is
able to pull off. This method is simply -uman *anipulation combined with
.ocial Engineering% +hats that you ask/ !t is being able to fool the other
person into thinking you are a se0y chick and getting in their head to make
them buy your pictures. !t is simple and easy as said before% .o let me show
you how it works.
1se a adult site with a forum and a chat client if possible 23epending on
your route4 !f you use a forum post in the personal section or of there is a
better defined section for selling pictures go to that one. 5ou 6EE3 an
e0cuse to get money.. 7ent/ 8as/ 9ills/ These are all good e0cuses but make
your own, if everyone uses these e0cuses then it will be much harder to earn
;hat ;lient E0ample&
$obby& .elling 6ude ,ics of me% << 2(or rent4
,* chat&
.tranger&-ey 9abe.
5ou&-ey, wanna buy some nude pics of me/
.tranger&+hat do you look like/
5ou&+anna see a pic of me/
5ou&>k sent << 2.end them a non nude picture4
'lways push them towards buying your pictures, make sure they know if for
something you need. 28as, 7ent, anything4
(orum E0ample&
Thread Title& .elling .e0y nudes of me <<
Hey I need rent, I have a reg pic of me here:
If you want some nude.. Email me: C!"mail.Com
Paypal# C!"mail.Com
I need to pay rent.
Who %re &ou?
's said before, -aving an identity is the key part of e-whoring. 5ou must be
in the mind of the person you are trying to impersonate. The more realistic
you are the more the person is going to believe you%
' ,ack 2,icture)@ideo ,ack4 is a folder of pictures)@ideos usually of the same
girl that you will be impersonating. 5ou can find tons of packs on
-ack(orums.6et here is a thread to a pack list% ;lick -E7E.
Be Prepared
,aypal is your source of paypent% This is your money vault for the people you
lure to pay to. *ake it something around your name, ! recommend not using
your personal ,aypal. 2.ignup& https&))www.paypal.com4
9ad Email& Ewhoring9ank=8mail.;om
8ood Email& $isa$ 2!f you name your ewhore $isa4
'gain, make sure you have all of your content ready. 9eing slow while
ewhoreing is not good.
! recommend 8mail it is fast and easy to setup and it does not have a bunch
of random crap that you donAt need. 5ou will be using this to send pictures
to people and communicate.
Good uck!
"tart #ow
6ow that you know everything about ewhoring start now% EnBoy and C7ep
would be appreciated%
D8reat .ite D8ood .ite
This guide was written all by Elite ;ow. "F
6eed help/ Email me at&
3o 6>T claim this as your own, 'lways give credit if you release on anther

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