2014 Summer - Projects With Pics

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Need community service hours?

Just need some time outdoors and want to help make a

difference? Then join us this summer for our
Friday Mornings in JaxParks volunteer projects!

Friday, June 13 (9am-noon) @ Hanna Park
(500 Wonderwood Drive)
maintenance of disc golf course
volunteers requested to bring loppers/pruners, work
gloves, and water
meet in parking lot behind entrance station; identify
yourself as volunteer when arriving at park entrance
station for free entry

Friday, June 27 (9am-noon) @ Reddie Point Preserve (4499 Yachtsman Way)
landscaping of front entrance area
volunteers requested to bring loppers/pruners, work gloves and water
meet at front entrance area

Friday, July 11 (9am-noon) @ Betz-Tiger Point (13990 Pumpkin Hill Road)
trail maintenance
volunteers requested to bring loppers/pruners, work gloves and water
meet under large picnic pavilion at main parking lot

Friday, July 25 (9am-noon) @ Castaway Island Preserve
(2921 San Pablo Rd. S.)
weeding of butterfly garden & trail maintenance
volunteers requested to bring loppers/pruners, work
gloves and water
meet in picnic area by education building

Friday, August 8 (9am-noon) @ Hanna Park (500 Wonderwood Drive)
hiking trail maintenance
volunteers requested to bring loppers/pruners, work gloves and water
meet in parking lot behind entrance station; identify self as volunteer when arriving at
park entrance station for free entry

For all projects, volunteers must wear closed-toed shoes and it is highly recommended
that they bring work gloves, sunscreen, bug spray, a hat, sunglasses and water. Children
under 16 must be supervised by their parent/guardian or scout leader during the project.
Anyone under 18 years old must have signature of parent/guardian on liability waiver prior
to starting work.

To sign up for any of these events, go to www.handsonjacksonville.org and type in
"summer park projects". For more information, please contact Felicia Boyd, TTPF
Program and Outreach Director, at fboyd@fmb-environmental.com

Visit http://www.timucuantrailparksfoundation.org/News/volunteer-opportunities.html
for updates and new listings of volunteer opportunities in all of our TTPF parks!

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