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Exercise 3: Using the do/while Loop

The objective of this exercise is to write classes that use do/while loops.

Task 1 – Writing a Class Using the do/while Loop

In this task, you write a class that counts from 1 to some number. Follow these steps to
write your class:

1. Go to the loops directory.

2. Write a class called CounterThree containing a method called

displayCount that:

• Counts from 1 to the value of the MAX_COUNT constant, where the

MAX_COUNT constant is a variable that you must declare and initilize to any
number, using a do/while loop
• Displays the count

3. Compile your program.

4. Use the CounterThreeTest.class file to test your program.

Task 2– Writing Another Class Using the do/while

In this task, you write a class called Sequence that displays a sequence starting with
the numbers 1 and 1. Successive numbers in the sequence are the sum of the previous two
numbers. For example: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 and so on. Follow these steps to write your class:

5. Write a class called SequenceThree that contains a method called

displaySequence. The displaySequence method should contain a
do/while loop that:

• Performs an operation to calculate a number in the sequence.

• Displays the numbers in the sequence, as long as the numbers in the sequence
are less than 100. The result should look like:

6. Compile your program.

7. Use the SequenceThreeTest.class file to test your program.

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