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English 10-11-12

A. Grade 10
I. Pronunciation

- vowels and consonants

- Tenses of verbs
+ The simple present + The past simple
+ The present continous + The past continuos
+ The Present perfect + The past perfect
+ The simple future + The near future
- Passive voice
- Relative pronouns and clauses
- Some structures : + because of , because
+ In spite of
+ Although
- Reported speech
III. Reading
- School : - A day in the life of
- School talk
- Special education
- Technology and you
- An excursion
- Mass media
- Story of my village

B. Grade 11

I. Pronunciation
- Dipthongs and Consonants
- Tenses of verbs
+ The simple present + The past simple
+ The present continous + The past continuos
+ The Present perfect + The past perfect
+ The simple future + The near future
- Infinitives with “to” and Infinitives without “to”
- Infinitives and Gerund
- Passive infinitives and Gerund
- Reported speech with infinitives and gerund
- Conditional sentences : Type I,II,III and Conditional in reported speech
III. Reading
- Friendship - Competition
- World population - Volunteer work
- Celebrations - Iliteracy
C. Grade 12
I. Pronunciation
- Vowels, dipthongs and consonants
- Stress in 2,3 and more than 3 syllable words
II. Grammar
- Tenses of verbs
+ The simple present + The past simple
+ The present continous + The past continuos
+ The Present perfect + The past perfect
+ The simple future + The near future
- Reported speech with infinitives and gerund
- Reported speech
- Passive voice
- Conditional sentences : Type I,II,III and Conditional in reported speech
- Relative pronouns and clauses
- Prepositions and articles
- You and me: - Home life
- Cultureal diversity
- Education : - Schooleducation system
- Higher education
- Future jobs
- Community : - Economic reforms
- Youth
- Future life

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